Hey everyone,
Im on a training course this week which is pretty cool cos its piss easy and i only have to do 10-4:30, so i get out before rush hour and i avoid it in the morning - i also get more time in the lovely sun!!! Apparently were hotter than Madrid at the moment so SUCK ON THAT SPANIARDS lol
Im working on my tattoo sleeve right now - i currently have batman on the top of my arm and im gettin a load more comic book characters put on but im not sure how to lay them out. Im thinking of having a storyboard type of look - that way it goes with the theme and the layout isnt as much of an issue.
As soon as i get the pictures up ill post em up for critique
Also its me and Miyas 2nd anniversary on Monday - love you poo!!!

Im on a training course this week which is pretty cool cos its piss easy and i only have to do 10-4:30, so i get out before rush hour and i avoid it in the morning - i also get more time in the lovely sun!!! Apparently were hotter than Madrid at the moment so SUCK ON THAT SPANIARDS lol

Im working on my tattoo sleeve right now - i currently have batman on the top of my arm and im gettin a load more comic book characters put on but im not sure how to lay them out. Im thinking of having a storyboard type of look - that way it goes with the theme and the layout isnt as much of an issue.
As soon as i get the pictures up ill post em up for critique
Also its me and Miyas 2nd anniversary on Monday - love you poo!!!

Still sideways but better picture god dammit!
Your love of comic book characters and your sleeve of dedication to it is outstanding. We need to talk comics more often then when we're drunk and I just happen to be in the UKai.