So my birthday is on the 26th July, which is a Saturday, so im organizing a birthday party at the G Casino in London Picaddily. Yesterday me and Miya went down to the place to sort out some of the details and just to get a feel for the place i decided to get 10 worth of chips and have a few games of blackjack.
And after 6 hands who ended up making 30 - thats right, ME
I was well chuffed, nothing like winning stuff to raise your spirits - some as the other week when i won 40 on the Grand National, hooya, maybe this year is gonna be my lucky year, since the past year has been pretty shitty (see Miyas blog for why)
If anyone is interested in coming then drop me a message and ill let you know if weve still got spaces left - its 15 deposit per head, and you get a free drink on arrival, and 2 hours of learn to play with the casinos 'fun money' - then come 8 o'clock you start playing with your own money - or if you dont wanna bet then you can just drink and watch in the reserved seating area.

And after 6 hands who ended up making 30 - thats right, ME

If anyone is interested in coming then drop me a message and ill let you know if weve still got spaces left - its 15 deposit per head, and you get a free drink on arrival, and 2 hours of learn to play with the casinos 'fun money' - then come 8 o'clock you start playing with your own money - or if you dont wanna bet then you can just drink and watch in the reserved seating area.

aww thank you!!!!!!! 

lol ill try!!!