I was at a loss as to what I should write about. This is the first journal I've ever kept that I let other people read, It's kinda strange to let strangers see that far into you (not that I've been too revealing so far). Let's see if I can handle y'all gettin' just a leeetle closer.
Six years ago, I met a wonderfull girl that I feel in love with. There was a LARGE difference in our ages, but we talked about it and decided that we'd give it a try. She'd just discovered that she could be with a girl and not be blasted by lightning, so we decided that our relationship would be open (a first for me).
Time goes by, we have our ups and downs, but it's all outside stuff. We rarely fight. We mess around with other people a bit (she got play, she's prettier than me).
Four years later, in the middle of a long talk (not a fight), a light appears above her head. She's a Lesbian. Needless to say, we didn't sleep that night, we sat up talking, following her train of thought, looking for the facts and feelings that she was dealing with. We came to the conclusion that, yep, she's gay.
Think about it. How would you feel if the person you were in love with suddenly tells you that the physical relationship you've been having for the last four years was unpleasant. That, while they still love you, they've only had sex with you because YOU wanted to. How would that make you feel about yourself?
Two years later, she's still one of my best friends. We talk frequently, she makes passes at my current GF and I pretend to be annoyed.
I've dealt with my feelings, with help from both of them.

Six years ago, I met a wonderfull girl that I feel in love with. There was a LARGE difference in our ages, but we talked about it and decided that we'd give it a try. She'd just discovered that she could be with a girl and not be blasted by lightning, so we decided that our relationship would be open (a first for me).
Time goes by, we have our ups and downs, but it's all outside stuff. We rarely fight. We mess around with other people a bit (she got play, she's prettier than me).
Four years later, in the middle of a long talk (not a fight), a light appears above her head. She's a Lesbian. Needless to say, we didn't sleep that night, we sat up talking, following her train of thought, looking for the facts and feelings that she was dealing with. We came to the conclusion that, yep, she's gay.
Think about it. How would you feel if the person you were in love with suddenly tells you that the physical relationship you've been having for the last four years was unpleasant. That, while they still love you, they've only had sex with you because YOU wanted to. How would that make you feel about yourself?
Two years later, she's still one of my best friends. We talk frequently, she makes passes at my current GF and I pretend to be annoyed.
I've dealt with my feelings, with help from both of them.
Anywho, thank you for the IM last night, that was very sweet of you