Sometimes the fact that I'm older than most of my friends bugs me a little. I get treated as Counselor, Father Figure, Dirty Old Man, etc.
Very rarely am I taken at face value, as is.
I decided years ago not to lie when it wasn't necessary, and to not play BS social games with people (I'm still social, I just don't tell many dumb little lies).
Many of my friends applaud my attitude when it's explained to them, but very few of them can handle it when it's directed at them:
"No, I won't give you a cigarette, you bum off me all the time even when you have money."
"The problem your having isn't the other person's fault, it's your expectations."
"If you do (or don't do) something because of what other people may think of it, you should probably sit down and figure out what YOU want."
All these things seem very basic to me.
Think back over your day and consider how much you reflect back at people what you think they want to hear.
As you can see, I've been having people issues lately.
Very rarely am I taken at face value, as is.
I decided years ago not to lie when it wasn't necessary, and to not play BS social games with people (I'm still social, I just don't tell many dumb little lies).
Many of my friends applaud my attitude when it's explained to them, but very few of them can handle it when it's directed at them:
"No, I won't give you a cigarette, you bum off me all the time even when you have money."
"The problem your having isn't the other person's fault, it's your expectations."
"If you do (or don't do) something because of what other people may think of it, you should probably sit down and figure out what YOU want."
All these things seem very basic to me.
Think back over your day and consider how much you reflect back at people what you think they want to hear.
As you can see, I've been having people issues lately.
when i was 12 my best friend was 54. most outside people didn't understand the bond we shared. he was a father figure, but that wasn't all. we could just really relate to each other-somehow-and that's all that matters i think.
i'm not i probably have some people issues too but since i don't deal with many people i don't have to worry much about that. heh. oh well.