Argh, I have so little money, even after just being paid, got shitty hours for a couple weeks, and it just caugt up with me. I cannot pay off all the people I would like to/need to. Maybe my moms will be understanding about it. And she will let me pay her later. I owe her $125, and all I have right now is $65 for the next two weeks.
I gotta try and break the spending habbits I have too. I would have lot more money saved up if I didnt waste so much money on misc. shit. Espcecially video games. Im thinking I might start selling them. Get them the hell out of here, so I dont have anything to buy the games for.

And now I got to go to work for 8 hours.

I miss you Natalie...

Why are you not happy?!?!?
I told you, the SECOND you start to feel the slightest bit upset is the same exact second yr supposed to call me so i can tell you how great you are and you can tell me every single little thing that bothers you.
Thats what friends are for
Money sucks the casbah. Im sure yr mom will be understanding.
and hey, working for 8 hrs = bling bling!
i thought i told you, if you want to come down here i'll pay you for being my sex slave...
i'll talk to you later.