RIP Y100
today is a sad day on the radio dial. Y100 is being kicked off the air. They didn't do anything wrong, they didn't come under the scrutiny of the government, instead they were a victim of Radio One and being switched to an "urban" format. Now i'm not saying Y100 was the Mecca for indie rock, they played a lot of crap and...
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today is a sad day on the radio dial. Y100 is being kicked off the air. They didn't do anything wrong, they didn't come under the scrutiny of the government, instead they were a victim of Radio One and being switched to an "urban" format. Now i'm not saying Y100 was the Mecca for indie rock, they played a lot of crap and...
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HAPPY BDAY! even if u havent updated... 

So, finally at age 22 i have received my first tattoo. I know, i know, its a little late in the game, especially for this site, but what can you do, i was depressed after the game so i got a giant eagle tattooed on my back with "maybe next year" written under it. But seriously folks ill be here all night, No I got...
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Last night I drove four hours in the snow and traffic down to Washington DC to see Ghost Mice, Defiance Ohio, and Los Gatos Negros. Amazing show, totaly worth not getting back here till like 3 in the morning and having to get up for my 8 am class. One side note however, when did kids start thinking that being punk rock meant not showering?...
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I'm an idiot
So, today was my first day of classes for my last semester of college ever!, however, I dont have any classes scheduled for wednesdays so i was enjoying my day off while my roomates, the suckers, had to wake up early this morning and go to class.
Or so I thought
Apparently i actually do have a class scheduled for wednesdays, and...
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So, today was my first day of classes for my last semester of college ever!, however, I dont have any classes scheduled for wednesdays so i was enjoying my day off while my roomates, the suckers, had to wake up early this morning and go to class.
Or so I thought
Apparently i actually do have a class scheduled for wednesdays, and...
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yeah today was awesome weather.
i just wore a hoodie, and i went grocery shopping
glad everything's in order.
i havent started class yet but i cant wait til its over
i just wore a hoodie, and i went grocery shopping

glad everything's in order.
i havent started class yet but i cant wait til its over

it is one Chestnut St. near all the histroical crap. Like 5th st or something. It is suppose to be comfort food.
sucks about forgeting about class...I use to do that always...
sucks about forgeting about class...I use to do that always...
Well today was quite interesting.
Somehow, through a little luck, persistance, and ass kissing, my small little design company was selected to design the uniforms for the wait staff at El Vez, one of Steven Starrs posh little numbers that screams both trendy and tacky at the same time. If your from Philly you know exactly what I mean. So anyway, they liked so many...
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Somehow, through a little luck, persistance, and ass kissing, my small little design company was selected to design the uniforms for the wait staff at El Vez, one of Steven Starrs posh little numbers that screams both trendy and tacky at the same time. If your from Philly you know exactly what I mean. So anyway, they liked so many...
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congrats. haven't really met you yet, but still very proud of you

gotta love a starr resturant. They have yummy pricey food. Well Jones is sort of cheap actually. Well congrats and good luck with that.
Meddy new year everybody.
1. What part of Philly are you from (I live in the Manayunk, east falls area) Center City...South Philly yo!
2. How did you master the Cyndi Lauper look so excently in some of those photos? ha well I dunno which ones I look like Cyndi Lauper in so I dunno what to tell you..I suppose being palish with lots of eyeliner helps???
3. Did you make any new years resolutions? No not really just things that I say through out the year..get my bills in order and etc etc...I have cut down my shopping before the new year so really there isn't many things I think I should cut out.
1. What part of Philly are you from (I live in the Manayunk, east falls area) Center City...South Philly yo!
2. How did you master the Cyndi Lauper look so excently in some of those photos? ha well I dunno which ones I look like Cyndi Lauper in so I dunno what to tell you..I suppose being palish with lots of eyeliner helps???
3. Did you make any new years resolutions? No not really just things that I say through out the year..get my bills in order and etc etc...I have cut down my shopping before the new year so really there isn't many things I think I should cut out.
hope you brought the new year in right

Sooooo. . . . .. .booooorreeed. Need friends to come back from winter break now or I'll be forced to do something drastic, like (ewww) clean my room.
damn u must be bored
Ah yes, trust my older sister to give me the gift of porn this christmas. A three month membership to! After all it was her that i first went to go see the actual Suicide girls show with, as well as watching the HBO special when we both first heard about them. OK, so maybe insinuating a creepy relationship with my sister isn't the...
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YOu have a cool sister
YOu have a cool sister
