Welcome to the Weekly Comics Hype! I'm doing these alphabetically, but occasionally skipping around a bit. Today, I wanted to recommend you stop whatever you're doing and go buy La Perdida by Jessica Abel, which is one of the very best stories to appear in the medium in some time, a simply masterful use of the sequential art format to create a tension-building and incredibly...
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Just one question; how come you got into 200AD in the first place? Your average american comics fan likes DC and Marvel - and then they tend to go on about the artwork, whereas with 2000AD and The Meg, storyline is a major factor.
Welcome to the Weekly Comics Hype! I'm doing these alphabetically, but occasionally skipping around a bit. You're no doubt familiar with Charles Schulz's classic strip Peanuts, but you might not know that the good people at Fantagraphics Books have been hard at work on a comprehensive reprint program for the series which is setting new rules for archiving comics in bookshelf format, and you...
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Nicoli Dante IS too cool to kill, and I'm just waiting untill the "Tsar Wars" collection is released....
I was looking at your site, and couldn't find any mention of Alan Moores' "Future Shocks" - of which I consider "The Wages of Sin," to be the ultimate, I mean, "Yaargh ! Craven mongrels ! You'llnot keep AAnthrax Ghoulshadow B:A: down !" That is a classic exit line, precisely because it is so cliched....
Just looking through the Dredd listings for th '80s - Gods, but there's some good stuff there, I'll have to dig out all my old progs.....
Love & Rockets for a New Generation
by Calvin Reid, PW Comics Week -- 5/30/2006

After reading early issues of the scathing news and critical publication the Comics Journal back in 1981, two Mexican-American brothers decided to send their self-published comic book to the magazine for review, figuringor so the legend goesthat if they could take criticism from TCJ, they could take it from anybody....
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I really, really like arena football.

Right now, Orlando's ahead of Philly. I'm not sure which team I want to win, since I detest Florida and I don't much like Philly's owner, Jon Bon Jovi, either.

Boy, arena football... now there's an interest not shared by very many people on this site.

The ads for NBC's new series Windfall look pretty interesting though!
thanks for the comment on my set kiss
Welcome to the Weekly Comics Hype! I do these alphabetically, but occasionally skip around a bit, and today I've come to the sort of book I rarely enjoy, a black-and-white autobiography. The world of independent comics is stereotyped as being full to choking with tales of the creators' own lives, and most of those efforts are pretty tedious and grim. But there are occasional examples...
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that was such a nice comment on my set- I was actually a little shy about the preview pic, so I love that you loved it!
xoxo kl