All is well...
I MADE WORLD OF WARCRAFT BETA!WOOHOO! So, 1-3 hours of my daily life will now be sucked into playing it. Being the nice guy that I am, I'm sharing my beta account with my roommates.
Perfect Girl mentioned the fact that I called her that the other day (she reads this from time to time). No one is perfect, we all know that, but there is always...
I'm just gonna stop right there. No need to give away all my secrets, even IF she doesn't read this.
Anyways, good times. Been in a shitty mood lately, simply because I've been tired.
I MADE WORLD OF WARCRAFT BETA!WOOHOO! So, 1-3 hours of my daily life will now be sucked into playing it. Being the nice guy that I am, I'm sharing my beta account with my roommates.
Perfect Girl mentioned the fact that I called her that the other day (she reads this from time to time). No one is perfect, we all know that, but there is always...
I'm just gonna stop right there. No need to give away all my secrets, even IF she doesn't read this.
Anyways, good times. Been in a shitty mood lately, simply because I've been tired.