The new Slipknot album kicks ass. Duality is probably the best song on the album, and it's the single. It seems as though bands like Slipknot tend to leave the really good shit on the album and release the "radio-friendly" stuff as singles.
The new In Flames album is pretty good too. Got it today as well. It's good to see that metal bands can actually grow as musicians, and not simply chug.
I've been in a very inspired mood lately. I've been working on my stories a lot more, and really focused on recent music. It's really one of those periods that you can really tell you're growing as a person... or maybe it's just my imagination?
Other than that, nothing new. Just an average day. They're good from time to time.
The new In Flames album is pretty good too. Got it today as well. It's good to see that metal bands can actually grow as musicians, and not simply chug.
I've been in a very inspired mood lately. I've been working on my stories a lot more, and really focused on recent music. It's really one of those periods that you can really tell you're growing as a person... or maybe it's just my imagination?
Other than that, nothing new. Just an average day. They're good from time to time.

ah, I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I'll hve to get on it!