I'll just pick up where I left off...
She came over around noon, and we vegged out by the pool for a couple hours. It was definitely relaxing, and I got to see her in a bikini . It's pretty lame when you've got an attractive girl in her scants and you keep looking at her eyes. I'm telling you, I'm addicted. She noted a few times that I should put sunscreen on, but I burn either way, so it didn't really matter...
...Until I got inside and realized that I looked somewhere in the ballpark of too well-done. So my skin is on fire, let's move on...
After that, she went home for a bit, until I woke up from a nap and pestered her once again. We both cleaned up and went to a bar that she frequents. She'd mentioned before that she was pretty good at pool, so I didn't plan on playing the game with her...at all...ever...
So we were playing pool, and she whipped my ass the first round, and the following rounds entailed a string of technicalities that made me the winner. After 4, we tapped out and decided to go for another round of Trivial Pursuit. Blue was my boy, and I won . We made an agreement on the way home from the bar that if I won, she'd give me a kiss.
I drove her home, walked her to the door, and wanted SO GOD DAMN BAD to kiss her, but I couldn't do it. I swore to myself when I got in touch with her that if she actually responded, I wanted to EARN her trust and her affection. It seemed pretty gay to win that, ALSO on what I considered to be a technicality.
I remember those kisses, those moments... Yeah, she definitely thinks I'm a psycho.
She came over around noon, and we vegged out by the pool for a couple hours. It was definitely relaxing, and I got to see her in a bikini . It's pretty lame when you've got an attractive girl in her scants and you keep looking at her eyes. I'm telling you, I'm addicted. She noted a few times that I should put sunscreen on, but I burn either way, so it didn't really matter...
...Until I got inside and realized that I looked somewhere in the ballpark of too well-done. So my skin is on fire, let's move on...
After that, she went home for a bit, until I woke up from a nap and pestered her once again. We both cleaned up and went to a bar that she frequents. She'd mentioned before that she was pretty good at pool, so I didn't plan on playing the game with her...at all...ever...
So we were playing pool, and she whipped my ass the first round, and the following rounds entailed a string of technicalities that made me the winner. After 4, we tapped out and decided to go for another round of Trivial Pursuit. Blue was my boy, and I won . We made an agreement on the way home from the bar that if I won, she'd give me a kiss.
I drove her home, walked her to the door, and wanted SO GOD DAMN BAD to kiss her, but I couldn't do it. I swore to myself when I got in touch with her that if she actually responded, I wanted to EARN her trust and her affection. It seemed pretty gay to win that, ALSO on what I considered to be a technicality.
I remember those kisses, those moments... Yeah, she definitely thinks I'm a psycho.