Why is it that girls I like always seem to ask for my advice or opinions about other guys? I feel like just screaming HE'S-NO-GOOD-FOR-YOU-BUT-I-AM-WHY-DON'T-YOU SEE-THAT!? or words to that effect. Hmm, maybe not that harsh, but you get me. I'm the quiet one, so I just keep my true thoughts to myself to try and make my friends happy.
This is relevant btw, not just a random rant. I have an online friend at the moment who seems torn between 2 guys. One seems to kinda make sense, but she's more into the other guy, who is definitely the wrong guy.
I guess I'm just trying to think of the right way to say the above rant to her. Hmmm...
This is relevant btw, not just a random rant. I have an online friend at the moment who seems torn between 2 guys. One seems to kinda make sense, but she's more into the other guy, who is definitely the wrong guy.
I guess I'm just trying to think of the right way to say the above rant to her. Hmmm...

Heh, that's me with guys....