while looking on oregonlive.com i stumbled upon THIS completely by accident... it really makes me miss my uncle...

Multnomah County
Born: 12/20/59
Sentenced to death: 2/23/1988
Miranda and Stephen Leroy Nefstad stabbed Steven A. Jackson to death in 1987 while robbing him of his pickup and bank card. Jackson of Oregon City had 37 knife wounds on his legs and chest. Miranda's sentence was overturned, based on a 1989 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
Interesting fact: On his way out of the courtroom after being sentenced to death, Miranda paused to kiss his 4-year-old son.
Status: Life sentence.
how many of you knew i had a fucked up family?
he really is trying to make a difference from inside though...
willamette week article....
he's about half way through this article...

Multnomah County
Born: 12/20/59
Sentenced to death: 2/23/1988
Miranda and Stephen Leroy Nefstad stabbed Steven A. Jackson to death in 1987 while robbing him of his pickup and bank card. Jackson of Oregon City had 37 knife wounds on his legs and chest. Miranda's sentence was overturned, based on a 1989 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
Interesting fact: On his way out of the courtroom after being sentenced to death, Miranda paused to kiss his 4-year-old son.
Status: Life sentence.
how many of you knew i had a fucked up family?
he really is trying to make a difference from inside though...
willamette week article....
he's about half way through this article...
Everyone makes mistakes. Good to hear that he's making a difference! 

Well, I have to catch up for all those times lately where I haven't been bratty and antagonistic. It's not you, it's me.