i'm most proud of this one so far! and this pic is of it before i finished it!
she's so purdy! i think i'm gonna hafta make EMO mud flaps with them....
in other news, i'll be honest i've been in a funk all of june... it's my funk month, the only thing keepong it from going to depression prolly has actually been the wife...
but the last coupla days have really helped that as well, some times it's nice to not only know you're loved, but that you're cared for as well...
it's usually the small things that have the greatest impact on my mood, like hugs and kisses when you do't have to give them, or little thank you notes slipped into my pockets when i'm not paying attention, even just a heart felt smile and eye contact make me cheer up a little bit..
i guess junes always been my down month though, so me just making it through every year is enough for me! any how i just wanted to say thank you to every one who helps to keep me above that depression line, it really means a lot to me.

putting the EMO back into E-monki

is that your pretty lil girlfriend? 

Okay, this is the third comment I'm trying to leave, to tell you that your art is awesome and to thank you for the pic you sent last night, and to tell you that you are, in general, one of my favorite people, etc. If the site doesn't let me post this one, I think I might cry.