I've come to some interesting conclusions about myself over this past week. Or interesting questions and answers anyways. "Endings start with answers", right? This week has given me a lot of answers. And like my supposed secret from the last entry, it's started a few new questions for me as well.

I think this is the end of Victoria for me. Actually, I don't think;...
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if this is the end of victoria...where would you be going? you can come visit courtenay anytime you want smile
Woo! Atta boy, get over here to Van.
So I leave tomorrow morning. I should probably catch the 11am bus, but I'm probably not going to get on anything earlier than noon. Very little about my trip is actually known to me yet. I know I'm there for a week (although I can stay longer, or retreat sooner if I'd like), and that I'll likely be staying in some sort of Hostel. And...
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the new metric album is phenomenal! i've added you to livejournal.
Foundation 7th & main, or WInk 8th & Main

Commercial drive from Broadway Station all the way north to Venables. Check out Cafe du Soleil [and Cafe deux soleil] and Sweet Cherubim and... well, there are lots of other places. smile
Today I sat down with my boss for a few minutes to chat about how I was doing at work. It seems that I am turning into quite the little fund-raiser. In about two weeks I'm going to stop canvassing for the SPCA, and move over to GPC (Greenpeace Canada) instead. Oh, and they want me to start to become something of a shift leader...
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Ooh, i can't wait to see your new hair!

Good job, you little fundraising son-of-a-gun, you!

You should get a lesson in saving up money from Nikonjustice. He's much better at it than I am. I stink at saving.
Heehee, you and Sebastian are sooooo cute!

I love that colour of hair on you. Very handsome! smile
So... my trip to Vancouver is approaching rather quickly. I'll find out tomorrow where I'm going to be staying, and that should hopefully help me plan a little bit for the week that I'm actually going to be there.

Today I found someone to take care of my cat for the week I'll be gone. Good thing I thought of that... Sebastian would have been...
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It would be nice if you explored your options on the other side of the continent, doofus.

I am going to be in NYC in October and I nearly asked if you'd be able to rendevouz... and then I realized (I don't know how I don't know this all the time) that BC is on the Pacific side. Dummy me.

If you would like to set up a book exchange, I think that we could have a lot of fun. I have mountains of books all over this little apartment!

PS: That postcard better be in the mail or I'll never forgive you. kiss

PPS: Yes! Save Marc Emery! Yes! Kitty & Puppy Dog Walk! You are such a good man miao!!
I got my first postcard today! The post office did not indicate whether or not they were upset by your writing in the sacred space. smile
I'm starting to dislike weekends. I really don't do anything exciting. Yesterday I volunteered to work an extra day at Snaz's request. And today I visited uncommoncold at work, and had a soy ice cream cone. And then the rest of the day I've been reading more "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".

That's really all I've done today. Oh, I bought a...
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I, on the other hand, am looking forwards to six week of "weekends" because in my last few years of working retail, I never get Saturdays and Sundays off, which all of my other friends with real jobs do. To be fair, I at least get 2 days off in a row, but who the hell wants to do stuff on a weeknight with me when they have to go to work at 8 the next morning?

I would totally do nothing with you, by the way. I like just hanging around watching cartoons or whatever. smile
He doesn't really know Gizmo anyway, because Calli always calls him "Mow Mow Face". He does sorta respond to Momo!
I've spent the last two hours making a mix cd. Anyone without an mp3 player will appreciate the ammount of work that needs to go into a proper mix cd.

To start, I create an empty playlist in iTunes, and I give it some sort of temporary name. I then go browse through the library of music I've imported recently (starting at the newest additions...
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sounds like your mix philosophy is pretty close to mine! smile
I'm never too good at this because I can never decide what to include. Also, NJ has this crazy program where you can blend the beginnings and endings of tracks, and I don't know how it works.
I had the best day yesterday. It was my first day of work in the rain, but it turned out pretty well and I managed to get a lot of people signed up to support the SPCA. I had a record setting day for myself.

After work I saved a hurt bird with jSnaz. It's wing was broken, so we called up WildARC (the SPCA's...
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D-oh, I won't be in Vancouver to meet you. mad How about you come to Manitoba to fundraise for the little aminals?

You should be pleased as punch that you don't really resemble Bud Cort. He didn't age well and basically looks like hell now. tongue
I feel so distant from myself right now. I've no motivation to do anything.

I thought that doing a "nothing" like watching a movie (something that really doesn't require any sort of action on my part) might be something. But then I got to the video store and I could not find anything that I really felt like watching. I ended up renting "Sin City"...
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Hey you. How are ya?

Open Mic Music night in Vancouver will be happenning soon.
Oh, you do not look like Bud Cort, dude. I mean, you're a god... but Bud Cort was Adonis incarnate (at his prime: certainly not now). I had the hugest girl hard on for him when I first saw that movie.

I shot you an email. No hurry kiss kiss kiss
Umm... Works going good. Yay for that.

Yes I do have a few pictures and I'll upload them as soon as I've recharged the batteries for my camera. Nothing overly exciting... but I've been told to "step up", so I'll post very soon.

In other news... this "post game" is exciting. I've been horribly lazy and haven't written the postcards or letters that I've promised...
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I'll be doing inbound customer service for MTS in the internet services department. Yes, it is a call centre, but not in the cubicle farm sense. The pay is awesome. It's double my current hourly wage!
Yay new pictures!
I want a Hipplespostcard frown
(one.) Fucking hell! This is the third time I'm typing this whole post. The first time I accidentally clicked "Update" again (when I meant to hit "Save Entry"... it made sense at the time). The second time I accidentally closed the tab I was writing it in. This is the last time! If I don't get through it this time successfully you'll never see it....
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Dude, you should be glad I just said no to burgers! Y'know, I heard they have cows in them. wink Also, I did say that it was a little late for burgers, thus justifying our burger-free date.

We did have some fun shenanigans (and the only thing missing from yours was the "e" at the beginning). I forgot to mention in the entry that we went out to look at this old church in St. Norbert and NJ took some photos of a shrine/chapel. Also, we drove out to these Trappist monastery ruins, but there was some dude in a truck just sitting there, so we didn't stick around. It was too dark to see anything anyway...
Well, my dear, step up! Uncommoncold says you hold the photos from your hat-buying adventures the other day.

Maybe they're posted in your pics already? i will go and check.