So here is a quick update.
I've got a wonderful girlfriend. I will not be working as a fundraiser for much longer, but instead I'll (likely) be working in a hemp clothing store. I've started to bike a lot more, and if I'm not biking I'm outside doing something else exciting and fulfilling. I've been volunteering for causes I feel good about and living as...
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I've got a wonderful girlfriend. I will not be working as a fundraiser for much longer, but instead I'll (likely) be working in a hemp clothing store. I've started to bike a lot more, and if I'm not biking I'm outside doing something else exciting and fulfilling. I've been volunteering for causes I feel good about and living as...
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Yay for you! I'm gone, too. My acct will close in August.
I'm back!
--Where has everyone else gone..?
--Where has everyone else gone..?
Hey, I'm still here! I was hoping you'd come back!
Did you get everything sorted out that you wanted to?
Did you get everything sorted out that you wanted to?
Where are yooooouuuuuu?
Gah! It's a little pinker around here right now.
Did I mention, I hate Valentines day?
Did I mention, I hate Valentines day?
I love how this site is always evolving.
My life isn't very interesting right now... somebody send me a message.
My life isn't very interesting right now... somebody send me a message.
I sent ya a message! Did you vote yet?
Here is a message. It's in your journal, because I am old fashioned.
I've had a bit of a communication breakdown. Life isn't going as badly as it could be, but things haven't really been all that great either. I got demoted at work, although (hopefully) only temporarily.
I managed to go to the library to pick up some holds today. Can you believe they have all those books available for anyone to borrow? It's awesome! (I want...
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I managed to go to the library to pick up some holds today. Can you believe they have all those books available for anyone to borrow? It's awesome! (I want...
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Thanks for the hug.
My grandpa was very very old and not doing so well any more, so I'm glad he's at rest now.
When is the full moon? Weird shit always goes down when it's moon time. We get tons of strange callers at work!
I miss the library so much! We have a fancy new one downtown "The Millenium Library" and I haven't even seen it yet. I used to be an avid reader as a kid, we went to the library every week or two, and I'm pretty sure the school library was one of my favourite places in elementary & high school.

When is the full moon? Weird shit always goes down when it's moon time. We get tons of strange callers at work!
I miss the library so much! We have a fancy new one downtown "The Millenium Library" and I haven't even seen it yet. I used to be an avid reader as a kid, we went to the library every week or two, and I'm pretty sure the school library was one of my favourite places in elementary & high school.
I know I haven't been writing here much. I have been reading though.
I'm too busy trying to figure me out.
I'm too busy trying to figure me out.
I totally understand, I just miss you being around, though! I think I may just be doing exactly that, myself.
I never know what to say on SG anymore..
Sounds like the figuring is going well though.. I hope so at least

Sounds like the figuring is going well though.. I hope so at least

I'm supposed to be at this little gathering now, but I've decided to update my SG instead. It's better to be fashionably late than awkwardly early, that's what I always say.
This weekend is completely null for plans. Everyone is going home or spending time with family, so I'm going to be generally alone. But I think I'm kind of ready for that. I bought...
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This weekend is completely null for plans. Everyone is going home or spending time with family, so I'm going to be generally alone. But I think I'm kind of ready for that. I bought...
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Hope you ended up having an alright time, nonetheless!
How's the tripod?
How's the tripod?
Oi! Where've you been? From your other journal, it seems like you've been busy figuring stuff out.
Last week I started writing a card to send you ('cause you were sad before), but now it seems like you are getting some things sorted out. I will send it all the same. Darned snail-mail! It takes so long, by the time one gets around to sending it, whatever one wanted to say is no longer pertinent. poop!
Last week I started writing a card to send you ('cause you were sad before), but now it seems like you are getting some things sorted out. I will send it all the same. Darned snail-mail! It takes so long, by the time one gets around to sending it, whatever one wanted to say is no longer pertinent. poop!

A couple of things,
- The Xmas party in Van was a lot of fun. It was great to get out of Victoria and see a few familiar faces once again. I had nothing but the best company for almost the entire trip. (Sleeping in a hostel room with four strangers will always be awkward to me though...)
- XMas needs to be done. Like......
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- The Xmas party in Van was a lot of fun. It was great to get out of Victoria and see a few familiar faces once again. I had nothing but the best company for almost the entire trip. (Sleeping in a hostel room with four strangers will always be awkward to me though...)
- XMas needs to be done. Like......
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boo! i'm back 

Didja get my card yet?
[A is for age:] Twenty-One
[B is for booze of choice:] Water (n/a)
[C is for career:] Professional Fundraiser (aka haven't figured that out yet...)
[D is for your dad's name:] Andrew
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] Tasty Vegan Dip
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Love and Pain - Clor
[G is for favorite game:] Burnout Revenge...
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[B is for booze of choice:] Water (n/a)
[C is for career:] Professional Fundraiser (aka haven't figured that out yet...)
[D is for your dad's name:] Andrew
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] Tasty Vegan Dip
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Love and Pain - Clor
[G is for favorite game:] Burnout Revenge...
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Don't worry. It's not my real hair.
New profile pic=

"So what are you thinking about? You look like you've got a lot on your mind..."
"Well... honestly? I wondered if I could kiss you now instead of having to rush when my bus arrives."
"Isn't this your bus coming up here now?" I motion to the bus arriving at our stop, and we step out from our cover into the rain. "Honestly... I'd...
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"Well... honestly? I wondered if I could kiss you now instead of having to rush when my bus arrives."
"Isn't this your bus coming up here now?" I motion to the bus arriving at our stop, and we step out from our cover into the rain. "Honestly... I'd...
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Aw, at least you were honest.
I miss you, my Heeples. You're not around much anymore. Perhaps I should get off my butt and send you some real letters/postcards and we can be penfriends that way? I'm so full of good intentions, but lack in the follow-through department...
I miss you, my Heeples. You're not around much anymore. Perhaps I should get off my butt and send you some real letters/postcards and we can be penfriends that way? I'm so full of good intentions, but lack in the follow-through department...
sounds like you're keeping yourself busy