Sooooooooooooooooooo, I cancelled my account today, I'm here until the 13th... not that I have been around much the last little while lately anyway, but when I logged on again today and something had been changed again... it's not like I care that much, I can get used to new functions and whatever......... but it's like every single week.. there isn't time to get used...
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happy birthday to mee!
I'm a whole 21 years old today.
we're going out thursday night...
I'll make a real post for once tomorrow when I am procrastinating.
I'm a whole 21 years old today.
we're going out thursday night...
I'll make a real post for once tomorrow when I am procrastinating.
it does feel like a hundred years ago.
i wish i could still drink like i did in res.
i think i got to old. or to much alcohol poisoning.
or something like that....
i wish i could still drink like i did in res.
i think i got to old. or to much alcohol poisoning.
or something like that....
hi my darling are you ??'tonight have a
and more

and more

i found you first
i found you first
hi my sweety friend....

So this week has been a horrible trying week.
the boys grandmother died, the one he's been living with the past year that we've both been really close with.
then my step dads uncle died.
and then I found out one of my moms friends died last week.
I suppose they say it comes in threes. so I am good for a bit.
but fuck...
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the boys grandmother died, the one he's been living with the past year that we've both been really close with.
then my step dads uncle died.
and then I found out one of my moms friends died last week.
I suppose they say it comes in threes. so I am good for a bit.
but fuck...
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I don't know you but I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time...hang in there.
so I was a big girl and went and got my new tattoos all on my lonesome, I am glad I went on my own it was an entirely different experience than the last one because of it.
now what I was thinking getting two tattoos on the same day I don't know... but it's done now and I am glad I did it...
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so I was a big girl and went and got my new tattoos all on my lonesome, I am glad I went on my own it was an entirely different experience than the last one because of it.
now what I was thinking getting two tattoos on the same day I don't know... but it's done now and I am glad I did it...
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aw. they're soo pretty though!
I wonder whats in here..
I am getting my new tattoos on wednesday I am so excited I could burst. I went to see the drawings the otherday and made some changes and things... it's going to be ephing sweet. but I have to be a big girl and go all by myself for them, which is a boourns.
my tragus is healing nicely and I can finally sleep on...
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my tragus is healing nicely and I can finally sleep on...
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oooh puppy. meee to.
my friend just got a 2month black lab puppy.
so cute i want to eat her.
i like getting stuff done on my own... maybe im wierd. i like going to hang out & watch friends get tattooed... watch movies eat junk food & watch them make funny faces. but when the time comes i dont want anyone there.... hum.
yay! back to the village is exciting & so much fun. especially with nice apartment & rm that is not crazy.
my friend just got a 2month black lab puppy.
so cute i want to eat her.

i like getting stuff done on my own... maybe im wierd. i like going to hang out & watch friends get tattooed... watch movies eat junk food & watch them make funny faces. but when the time comes i dont want anyone there.... hum.
yay! back to the village is exciting & so much fun. especially with nice apartment & rm that is not crazy.

alright time for an update of a brighter happier nature.
Lots of things are happening. I am moved and happy in my wee little kitchen nook, I've got my kitties and I love having Mel around. I am back at work full time and able to enjoy my time outside of work.. I have new tattoos and piercings on the way in the next few...
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Lots of things are happening. I am moved and happy in my wee little kitchen nook, I've got my kitties and I love having Mel around. I am back at work full time and able to enjoy my time outside of work.. I have new tattoos and piercings on the way in the next few...
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yes i did
what are you getting pierced?
& post pics of tattoos!
Glad everythings goin better... fuckedupedness is no fun.

what are you getting pierced?
& post pics of tattoos!
Glad everythings goin better... fuckedupedness is no fun.

its treatin me ok. aside from the puppy, the accident and my sore body from the gym. i must say its been a rough week

today topped the list of crazy days at work I've had
first I had the creepiest guy ever.
I don't even want to talk about that one.
then it was slow, and there was an unexpected delivery, yeah whatever.
then suddenly I smell gas. like bad, really strong.
So I go next door and ask the convience store if they smell it, and the dollar...
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first I had the creepiest guy ever.
I don't even want to talk about that one.
then it was slow, and there was an unexpected delivery, yeah whatever.
then suddenly I smell gas. like bad, really strong.
So I go next door and ask the convience store if they smell it, and the dollar...
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yeah you definatly should call. hopefully that never happens again though!

12:03 m
it's officially moving day
this is what I get for putting my trust in people
it's been a hellish couple of weeks.
I need this to be over.
soon enough....
it's officially moving day
this is what I get for putting my trust in people
it's been a hellish couple of weeks.
I need this to be over.
soon enough....

Now for the follow up to my sad little story.
I get a call back from my landlord, one entire whole week later. He's calling to arrange a time to sign a lease! I inform him I have found other living arrangements and because brian was seemed unwilling to accept ben as a tennant he has decided to take a summer job in another province....
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I get a call back from my landlord, one entire whole week later. He's calling to arrange a time to sign a lease! I inform him I have found other living arrangements and because brian was seemed unwilling to accept ben as a tennant he has decided to take a summer job in another province....
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call drinking in the village on pride!!!
i feel it's in order.
that's hilarious about your landlord though. i mean the story itself is shitty, but then being all like ha. fuck you.
it's great.
I'll be sleeping in the kitchen/eating area with a futon mattress, my pile of betting, a nightstand with my socks/underwear/personal items inside, alarm clock light and laptop ontop of/my jewlery/bathroomstuff/and my clothes.
it's funny, because i can picture this exactly, ha.
ohh kelly. if you only knew my friend, if you only knew.
for the love of god and all that is holy, if you only knew.
i feel it's in order.
that's hilarious about your landlord though. i mean the story itself is shitty, but then being all like ha. fuck you.
it's great.
I'll be sleeping in the kitchen/eating area with a futon mattress, my pile of betting, a nightstand with my socks/underwear/personal items inside, alarm clock light and laptop ontop of/my jewlery/bathroomstuff/and my clothes.
it's funny, because i can picture this exactly, ha.
ohh kelly. if you only knew my friend, if you only knew.
for the love of god and all that is holy, if you only knew.
& yay for drunk.

& yay for drunk.
so here is my horrible sad story.
since december I have been all geared up to move in with a friend, because my roomie informed me that he wanted to move closer to his school at the end of our lease. This would mean signing a new lease to get his name off of everything, and another year in my pretty pretty apartment. New roomie...
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since december I have been all geared up to move in with a friend, because my roomie informed me that he wanted to move closer to his school at the end of our lease. This would mean signing a new lease to get his name off of everything, and another year in my pretty pretty apartment. New roomie...
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ahww hon, i'm so sorry to hear this. what a dick! that's wretched. absolutely. roommates can be such dickheads. it's so difficult to find half decent people to cohabitate with.
dont worry im not leaving for 2 weeks. AND!
i will be back. that you can be sure of. i cant miss the gala you know
i will be back. that you can be sure of. i cant miss the gala you know