So this is song for everyone that's a bit pissed off with the current state of affairs in the Gulf. No matter how concerted our effort to change, it seems those select few that run our country (publicly and privately) are conducting
Business as Usual
Sometimes I feel like I'm part of a minority - or that I may be lumped together with some crazy faction.
Truth is - I want to see us all make a real choice instead of being bullied and scared into submission.

Business as Usual
Sometimes I feel like I'm part of a minority - or that I may be lumped together with some crazy faction.
Truth is - I want to see us all make a real choice instead of being bullied and scared into submission.

Has the US opened it to the public to come with ideas? The UK did it I think regarding finding a new source of power
Here in the States, most companies want to keep a stranglehold on their bottom line. So the problem with opening up the energy debate to the general public is that a good solution may result but it could cause a specific industry to lose money. Let's say a very specific one like crude oil refinieries. Those business owners then pay big bucks to send an army of lobbyists to confront the policy makers with skewed facts and figures coupled with free dinners and handouts to vote for the best interest of those that own the oil refineries. Then the proposal gets sunk or is changed so that the oil refineries don't suffer - often at the expense of the greater good.
This is exactly what happened with our Healthcare bill.
My proposal is for the US Homeowner to create their own alternative energy sources then connect them with a grid.
I'm having a meeting tomorrow with a company that specializes in IT networking and the LEED certification (green laws) in NY. I'll be talking to Geroge about the idea of really pushing LEED certification and what the potential is for these buildings to install alternative power grids. Then the day where they share that power with each other and drive down the cost of electricity would help further our independency from fossil fuel based energy.