There are many pretty girls round here. A lot to take my mind off a razor sharp attention to detail. and maybe that is what I lack as an American - that razor for detail. like alcohol the flesh premeates my cortex leading to places more stimulated than thought. and I'm left with complacency.
I'm complacent that my country sucks right now
I'm complacent that our leaders know we are sheep and that whatever scraps they send are needs treats reather than seasonal insults
I'm complacent that my investments suffer because my country's model for business - especially stock brokerages, think they are above even the basic ethics of busniss ownership.
I'm complacent that my political party - no matter how blase colloquial "just like the other" it is - is divinding the nation as the very astute , very needed, very good mode of change - that our country needs to shape up and ship out the goods at a marketable rate.
I'm complacent that we are in a recession
I'm complacent that my band needs to still scrap for the dregs of financial opportunity, while individuals with less than a tentht the creative bone in my body - wallk away with his or her financial problem worked.
BUT I"M PISSED that our gov. stil thinks the US can be bought and sold with a stimulus package.
Fuck that noise
I'm complacent that my country sucks right now
I'm complacent that our leaders know we are sheep and that whatever scraps they send are needs treats reather than seasonal insults
I'm complacent that my investments suffer because my country's model for business - especially stock brokerages, think they are above even the basic ethics of busniss ownership.
I'm complacent that my political party - no matter how blase colloquial "just like the other" it is - is divinding the nation as the very astute , very needed, very good mode of change - that our country needs to shape up and ship out the goods at a marketable rate.
I'm complacent that we are in a recession
I'm complacent that my band needs to still scrap for the dregs of financial opportunity, while individuals with less than a tentht the creative bone in my body - wallk away with his or her financial problem worked.
BUT I"M PISSED that our gov. stil thinks the US can be bought and sold with a stimulus package.
Fuck that noise