It's official - I'm a fully grown man! I took delivery of my first mattress set, and after a few engineering solutions - I'm now laying on 16" for springy goodness.
In under an hour and a half I managed to
-realize the box spring was simply too large for our spiral staircase.
- proceeded to have a "mentos moment" and sawed the fucker straight down the underside in the middle (like gutting a fish)
- I folded up the box spring like a taco and easily carried upstaris where I unfolded and reset it into place.
- dragged the other mattress and presto
I have a real bed - the futon mattress is now decommissioned.
after a nice chicken dinna and good sweat - I'm ready for bed.
Now all I need is sheets.
In under an hour and a half I managed to
-realize the box spring was simply too large for our spiral staircase.
- proceeded to have a "mentos moment" and sawed the fucker straight down the underside in the middle (like gutting a fish)
- I folded up the box spring like a taco and easily carried upstaris where I unfolded and reset it into place.
- dragged the other mattress and presto
I have a real bed - the futon mattress is now decommissioned.
after a nice chicken dinna and good sweat - I'm ready for bed.
Now all I need is sheets.

Thank you for your sweet comment on my set 

i didn't want to get off topic in the guitar group, but i do have to say that your jaguar bass is the shit.