Hooray for desperation, for puppies, and for squeals
Hooray for coniption fits, for tight backs, and catherine wheels
Hooray erotic depiction, to redemption and restraint.
Hooray to the artful rogue who sips confidence with his mate.
Hooray to the sinners and seekers plowing a damn fine road
and to coroners and crematia bringing up the rear.
With every blinking eye and ultra low vibration we dance
Hooray for difference
Hooray for chance.
Have a wonderful crisp eve tonight,
This time of year is quite the spiritual time regardless you personal beliefs.
So do not forget to travel into the cold night and breathe deeply as one's last breathe can be just as sweet as the first.
oh, and merry christmas.
Kisses and hugs and milkshake mugs to all!

Hooray for desperation, for puppies, and for squeals
Hooray for coniption fits, for tight backs, and catherine wheels
Hooray erotic depiction, to redemption and restraint.
Hooray to the artful rogue who sips confidence with his mate.
Hooray to the sinners and seekers plowing a damn fine road
and to coroners and crematia bringing up the rear.
With every blinking eye and ultra low vibration we dance
Hooray for difference
Hooray for chance.
Have a wonderful crisp eve tonight,
This time of year is quite the spiritual time regardless you personal beliefs.
So do not forget to travel into the cold night and breathe deeply as one's last breathe can be just as sweet as the first.
oh, and merry christmas.
Kisses and hugs and milkshake mugs to all!