This is my world.

It is constant consumption, narrow minded resource usage, and feverish atonement for past industrial sins.

It is medicated reality, erectile dysfunction, restless leg syndrome, and status quo in an amber bottle.

It is genocide, war, invasion, cultural homogenization, and political passivity

it is God in its many manifestations, religious elitism, and theocratic social governing.

it is the freedom to buy, to...
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thats why im always intoxicated
thanks so much for the love on my latest set smile

I was waiting to see a movie tonight and while sitting on the side of Broadway near lincoln center I cooked this up.

It's a start to something...but what?

My mind is wholly blank.
It's suffered a surge - been blown out.
The phenomenal force of living overwhelmed my supply - my security and built heat inside my tender circuits.
Failsafes exploded in intermittent and...
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Upon sneaking into my basement semi drunk looking for some music gear and seeing my sixth roommate in all 6 foot 2 glory silently sleeping on our basement futon in the buff.

ok ok I was touched.

Oh angel bound in plastic powers
of fortunes sold and crystal care
I spy you lovely
I seek your warmth
come to me softly, protend my earth

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omg did you write that? fucking brilliant.

and yeah i'm going to shoot a new set very soon. just saving up money for a prop. once i get it, it's new set time.

For Laughs my dears

In contemplating how one would flash another online I stumbled across this

( o ) ( o )

i took the idea and ran

( $ ) ( $ ) costly titty

[o] [o] square boob

( O) (O ) cross eyed boob

( <> ) ( <> ) alien boob

( # ) ( # ) nano boob

(O )...
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Best post ever. love
It was a bittersweet day today.

I just left my band of nearly four years.

In a situation where I stand to gain so much from making a firm decision - I become very much aware of what I had to give up.

I will make music for the world again - but I need to clear my head and heart first.

Time to put...
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everytime i read your knuckle tattoo comments/ideas it makes me smile, my eyes light up, and i can't help but laugh a little... smile thanks for that.
Thank You for the comment on my Game On set, it is appreciated kiss
dumping a scalp??? that's valuable jessica simpson extensions, fresh from little scandanavian children, sold for pennies to us hasty americans who aren't patient enough to wait for that 1/4 inch a month to accumulate!!!

i have found much to eat. i can eat no more. especially not spam. that's just icky. I miss you too.. i'm not on here very much or active or w/e u kids are calling it nowadays.. my taste for the site has soured i guess.. plus blogging is so gay lol even though i do it. i'm gay. this is san francisco, everyone's gay. kaybye.
It's very late and I need some sleep = but know this

my band recorded tonight.

and haVeBlue will be releasing some nuggets for you soon.

stay tuned.
Thank you for the sweet comment smile However I've been "pink" for a rather long time now wink
If you can be call me barbie biggrin jajajajjajjaja biggrin
thanks for comment on my set
kiss kiss kiss kiss
the following is a famous piem based on the raven in the series of Cadaic Cadenzas.

If you count the number of letters of each word and arrange them in order you get the first 3,834 digits of pi.


SPOILERS! (Click to view)

A Poem

A Raven

Midnights so dreary, tired and weary,
Silently pondering volumes extolling all by-now obsolete lore.
During my...
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I just finished an experience.

you know when life seems to stray a bit and our perception of things gets a little out of whack...

if you are lucky you get to view a piece of culture that reaffirms your uniqueness, your struggle, your bad attitude, your optimism, your snarky musical tastes, and your dry "just tell me like it is" humor.

Tonight, i saw...
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I'm going to Virginia for the weekend.

I leave at 5am

and the band played on.

now don't all you lose your sexy now while I'm gone.


I swear that isn't eyeliner - I just have thick eye lashes and I upped the contrast for effect.
thank you for the nice commentsmile
6 months without a touch, a kiss, a caress, an inhaled breath from a foreign mouth. for 6 months I have incubated .
I know not what to do to break such a spell.

6 months without holding on to the back of her neck, without feeling heat pulse in time at her femoral artery.

too long i say - as I watch time stretch...
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Hope you get what you want soon.