i has iphone now. world watch out.
Thank you so much on your comment in my set! blush
hahahaha good to know!! Enjoy it!! haha

yeah on the viid obviously the authority cannot arrest the whole mall but i think the whole mall should have liberated the mall ha!
I am uploading Marys Monster's mixed stems now to our Mastering house, www.promastering.com

Very close now,

hold fast

tighten the sinews.
hey! almost done? smile
hope life's good
Marys Monster is getting closer and closer to being a real band, with a real EP, website, and merch. now all I need is a horn player and a guitarist.

I dont even know if Detroit HAS gardens. o.O Even our grass is grey.
and you are my favorite new yorker wink

"what reckless display of shoulder blades' that is the best line ive ever gotten in my blog!!! HAHAH love it!
The new iPod shuffle is going to be a piece of crap. it forces everyone to use a specific pair of headphones.

what happens if they break?

so much for that one Jobs

try again.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

yep, i guess i only get to the doc point when im on a certain limit... then its when i surrender and i seek for answers although ive been always very into self treatment... but well my doc appointment went well... he kinda resisted all my battles... he says i do go proving everyone not just him or the other shrink

i guess he has a calm vibe that brings me calm and no matter his lucky cookie advices...ill give him a chance to prove he can help me more than i might thought...
change... he mentioned that... a part of myself is so into "fuck it all up all the time" but i guess i can get something from all this struggle..or try to... ive got nothing to lose.

ive been on that meds before... its gonna be a bit side effects shitty at the beginning... i hope ill managed...

hey u thinking of me again?
(u know what?... when i was a child i used to think when nobody thinks about u its like u didnt exist so i guess if someone does is when u became real or something).

Hope ur day goes alright...
ive got candies! they are pretty good biggrin

AMAZING PIC- really- it has such a strong backstory too- i mean whos shoes are they!?

the deep fryer is doing well!!! i figured out tones of new recipes!!! it was brand new when we got it- it was a wedding gift from the 70s that was never used!! HA!
i can hold you

I am strong and deep

as a fingerless fixture positioned to mold

for you - but not to you

I am a tree

I will bear fruit

and you will eat the fruit

but will you believe?
I will sleep with you

I feel your heat radiate on my chest

I feel your hind fit into my lap

I will sleep with you

and we will float

I will sleep with you

and we will forget
that is really lovely!
Thank you for the comment on my set biggrin
Thank you so much for your love on my set! I really appreciate!
i love loepard, thats why i choosed that langerie!

I will sleep with you.

feel your heat radiate into my chest

feel your hind fit into my lap

I will sleep with you

and we will float

I will sleep with you

and we will forget.
Wow! weekend OVER

and in a way - THANK FORD!

I've been quite the shoulder for my friend - as he goes through an emotional roller coaster to save his marriage. He's a good guy - and she's cool too. And like all of us - they have problems, yet some of them are serious. Good thing is they are trying to get through them...
Read More
I got a raise and a promotion - but two people got fired in it's wake.

This is a time where it looks so close to blood for blood.

I start my new responsibilities on monday.

I'm excited about helping our company weather this shit and come out on top,

but I worry about those getting lost at sea, and wonder a little how long...
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hmmm warm towel holder huh.... ill see if theres any openings tongue

congrats on the raise and promotion- now you can take me out- finally tongue
haha romance my stone!!! love that!!

oh common!!! Dont be afraid of the Quebecois!! i got your back!! wink

sont pas tout fou!!!!
The lady and I broke up tonight.

My first real go again at a solid relationship - but I'm glad that she is happier now.

She helped bring me out of a dreadful loveless life by ultimately - helping me reinstate the feeling of love in my life.

I'm not bitter - the relationship was rather short - 3 months - still a big step...
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That's a really great way to look at it! Maybe she was a lead in to a fantastic relationship around the corner.
Tomorrow it's finally real.

He'll be sworn in.

I'm excited.