Here's a new tune.

I like this one. It means something to me as I have a bit of Ohio farming history in my blood.

I'm also trying my hand at some different production techniques.


Buying the Farm
I really appreciated you leaving love on my new multi with drave "made you blush", thanks for the support <3
I enjoyed the tune smile thanks for sharing it!
OK so this isn't even a full song.

and I really didn't intend for it to conjure images of Vampires.

BUT - so be it.

My new project is called Concentraitor.

this is a WIP called

Lets Eat
Lol! Now that you mention it I was dropping my hands terribly smile Yay for dating a Sigourney lookalike smile "Lets Eat" is wicked and reallly catchy! love
SO after listening to the a new pandora list - Tom Waits and Nick Cave (which the result is ALL the music in my head - it's really unbelievable! from The white stripes, joy division, and johnny cash to muddy waters, leonard cohen, and iggy pop.) AND a kraftwerk inspired list - unlocking Orbital, Aphex Twin, and a host of other synthetics

I've started a...
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I've been tossing my music collection looking for low res audio. and in the age of the MP3 it's EVERYWHERE!!!

simply stated I'm tried of the shitty high frequency anomalies and degradation of MP3 and other forms of lossy audio coding.

So I'm reconverting my CDs to FLAC and ALAC - i'm not bothering with wave files (only for my own music projects) If this...
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I'm having an illicit affair with lamp...ours is a forbidden love. biggrin

I'm so glad you like the set.
I played my first open mic as a solo acoustic boy last night at Bar 4 in Park Slope

I recorded it with my phone.

Have a listen - it doesn't sound too bad ;-)

Week 1

I'll be doing this every week to work out new songs

come on out if you are in the area AND are a complete insomniac!

as I'll usually...
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I wrote this song for a lovely lady that got dumped by her man.

It's not my usual fare - but I thought she could use some pretty chords and what not.

the file is BIIIIIIIIG - it's lossless audio AND it's full resolution - so give it a moment


Thanks smile

Not long until my other 2 sets taken by LondonTOM are in MR biggrin

Love your song by the way. Hope you're well x
you all might like this. I don't know - so it's worth a shot.

I was fooling around all stream of conscious musically and I got this strange loop going. So I started to sing a poem over it.

this is the result

Freedom of the Moon

the poem is by robert frost
new song called

What Do I Know?

about immigration and our self imposed unconsciousness.

tried some new ideas too in the production.

still sparse - but I'm on the road at my parents and I did this with a mic, a direct box, and an anal retentive attitude.

hope you like it.
new cover


it's showcasing my spanky new archtop geetar and the pickup system I installed to try and get a great direct sound - as well as from a mic.

I'm happy with the result of the sound. Vocals are mostly a scratch - but that's why these are demos from the foot of my bed.

Let me know what you think.
Love your song smile you sound great
Today I report to the Coast Guard recruiter's office for a full physical tomorrow morning. Apparently they need to hold me overnight and make sure I do not secure "clean pee" or anything else to pass the drug test.

Good thing I only rock coffee and alcohol, sweet sweet alcohol.

lets hope they don't find my heart and ask why it is 10 times too...
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Good luck kisskisskiss
Dear New Orleans Saints,

You are having an amazing year.

You are exceeding everyone's expectations.

You could be the top seed in the NFC Playoffs this year.

Your website sucks.

Fix it.
thank you!