Today i am three and twenty. For this inillustrious occaison god gave me a very hot set on Suicide Girls (Kitty) and about four hours of unfilitered creativity. Which i only paritally squandered. I have notes and ideas and with any luck it will become a gift that has kept on giving. Especially since i am required to write a ten page piece in the next three weeks, and as of this morning i had all of seven words. "She made me less than i was". It should be noted i'm not unhappy with those words, i just nothing else to say beyond that.
I also got an email from il padre. i'll make no further comment here except that it wasn't not a good email, and my response, still fermenting, will not make things any better.
And now, in celebration, i'm either going to drink myself stupid or watch tv myself stupid. It really just depends on how much vodka i have.
I also got an email from il padre. i'll make no further comment here except that it wasn't not a good email, and my response, still fermenting, will not make things any better.
And now, in celebration, i'm either going to drink myself stupid or watch tv myself stupid. It really just depends on how much vodka i have.
happy belated! glad i could help you have a good one.

oh! and i loved sports night... it was the only reason that i gave six feet under a chance.