If further occurs to me that the previous post really doesn't tell you anything except that i'm not dead, which is well and good, but perhaps i could be a little better at this.
My life, in the few months i've had it back since finishing chemo, has divided itself into three uneven sections. The first is work, which remains entertaining and challenging and frustrating, but requires little further discussion here, except to say that perhaps at some point i will take the time to photograph the disaster zone that is my desk. The second section is my somewhat atrophied social life, which is improving. i'd sorta forgotten what it was like to go do things with people, like see terrible movies and heckle them (pathfinder was hilarious. really.) or sit in a bar and play "never order a familiar beer". The last third is this bloody apartment, which i increasingly desirous of leaving with as much haste as possible. Having spent 3 months here, 3 sickly boring months, i'm pretty ready to be living somewhere thats no there.
in other, unrelated news, i saw this while killing time at the metreon downtown:

i wonder what one has to do for their name to become their title. i think it would be pretty cool to be jude the juderian.
and lastly, the cat woke me up this morning by jumping on my chest. four times. then sitting on me.

its a good thing he's cute. i'm disinclined to put up with being rudely awoken by things what aren't cute.
My life, in the few months i've had it back since finishing chemo, has divided itself into three uneven sections. The first is work, which remains entertaining and challenging and frustrating, but requires little further discussion here, except to say that perhaps at some point i will take the time to photograph the disaster zone that is my desk. The second section is my somewhat atrophied social life, which is improving. i'd sorta forgotten what it was like to go do things with people, like see terrible movies and heckle them (pathfinder was hilarious. really.) or sit in a bar and play "never order a familiar beer". The last third is this bloody apartment, which i increasingly desirous of leaving with as much haste as possible. Having spent 3 months here, 3 sickly boring months, i'm pretty ready to be living somewhere thats no there.
in other, unrelated news, i saw this while killing time at the metreon downtown:

i wonder what one has to do for their name to become their title. i think it would be pretty cool to be jude the juderian.
and lastly, the cat woke me up this morning by jumping on my chest. four times. then sitting on me.

its a good thing he's cute. i'm disinclined to put up with being rudely awoken by things what aren't cute.