This is a poem dedicated to an action.
Este es un poema dedicado a un acto.
Para que corras verde por mis venas,
hubo algo de bilis y ciertos momentos de pensamiento al Cielo.
Abismal el desear mostrarle a todos la belleza rodeada por el Sol,
Es ahí, sin embargo, donde cargo, y aún a tientas logro caer a grietas,
derramando los encargos, queriendo.
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I sometimes think i'm not even real.

The bad part is when i actually act like i wasn't.

And the worst is when it does actually seem so. I think i'm invulnerable to consequence.

Or am i?

I think we have 3 states that the surface is consciousness, medium, Depth ... maybe when you think that these between the surface and the Depth ... since the medium is the dream
I have learned that i do have consequence, and I now try to be awake more, dreaming is a lovely state of mind, but I now have things, when I am awake, and conscious that make me want to stay that way :D
First Blog.

Nothing much to say right now i guess, i am a newbie, so this is just a shout out to anyone who'd like to respond to it.

In the meantime, i believe it is important to thank anyone here who has added me, 'cause they're all awesome.

And also express my gratitude towards the site, of course, for it is like, the best...
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You should upload a picture of yourself. Male or female, fat or skinny, attractive or ugly... i doubt this community will treat you much differntly either way. I know I wont. It just nice to have a face to assiciate with a name.