hearts do not fly with dreams
they are stubborn and grounded for its own worth, not anothers
I wish that was true frown

btw I LOVE kaneohe Bay, I go there quiet a bit for work. ACTUALLY, I might be going there for the month of July smile

so, what made you move to Germany?
they're heavy
Leading a life as a mother can be overwhelming. I need my books, pencil and paper to be calm and most enjoyable. If you pass at a moment of weakness please see forth to another window i have open. I will warm heartedly let you in. Dont subcide to my distraught being in that one moment. ARRR!!!

http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=7787555 oink
Snakes are so cool... My snake Oakley died some weeks ago. It was very sad. He was a sweetie with a very handsome face.
hello girls and guys. Im settling myself in. Dont mind the distance with the info on my page. Will get it up as soon as i have the time, which is odd cause i joined when i dont have the time but will get it done. I want to know more about this "community" and the life it lives. Seems intrigueing and mostly, very OPEN!...
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Welcome my friend,hope to get to know ya better.Have a wonderful day. kiss