"I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU! FUCK YOU!" yay!!! im going to see FEAR tonight. and we get to hang out with lee ving cause rosie knows him from the LA days. too cool. anyways... im recovered from this weekends festivities and looking to take it (fairly) easy tonight. what else is going on? oh! this booking guy keeps calling me with shows already set up....
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"the problem today with women...the mouth don't stop"
heh. have fun at the show.
what a hangover!!! ick. went and had more thai food though. that was good. salathai is where its at! i feel like refried shit but i have all this stuff to do tonight. i told three people i would come see them play. so im'a have to trek back and forth all over town to do so. me and my big mouth! oh well. what...
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nothing like a good show to perk you up though! have a good time, and lay off the alcohol!!! kiss
thursday evening. went to cd warehouse and then had thai food. yummy. cd warehouse had nothing at that great. except a my life with the thrill kill kult album i didnt have. tonight i must do laundry. argh... i kinda had a headache today as a reslut of last nights drinking. oh well. buy the ticket... take the ride. is anyone at all on here...
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no, sorry, not from Nashville..but I would like to move south! You know, I dont think I even know how to do laundry! shocked
tuesday?? early. first entry. why is it fucking cold?? why are there smiley faces laughing at me on this screen? anyways.... its just me here. making sure this works. i will write more when i am more awake.
ahhh. wednesday. nothing major. i bought one of dan browns earlier novels and read half last night. that fucker is smart. da vinci code was great. as was angels and demons. anyone even moderately interested in the illuminati should read it. so now im reading digital fortress. i have cabin fever because i have had no road gigs lately. should be at the rodeo bar in nyc sometime soon though. keep a lookout. maybe i will venture to lower broadway and sit in with someone tonight. when i pulled up my little page thingie here it has little pictures of people it says are my friends. does that mean they like me? they really like me? tongue again. but later. t
welcome to sg smile