Today was the last day of all of the REU students from the entomology dept being together. I have been with this group of young bucks (between the ages of 20 and 22) for the past 10 weeks and it's so sad to see them go! One almost started crying when we were all hugging goodbye. It's so weird to me how people get so attached in such a short time. I guess growing up as a military kid takes it's tole on ones ability to connect and attach to people. They are really amazing people and I'm sure I'll end up reading research papers by them and seeing them at entomology research symposiums. I'm incredibly tired so I'm rambling a bit.
Anyway tomorrow I'm moving out of this shit hole dorm and in with a person I have never met before. She's a PhD candidate who studies sea horses, which sounds pretty awesome. I'm going to be working 40 hours a week and taking absolutely terrible public transport, so I prob won't see her that much anyway. I also have a paper to rewrite for publishing due on the 31st ><
Anyway tomorrow I'm moving out of this shit hole dorm and in with a person I have never met before. She's a PhD candidate who studies sea horses, which sounds pretty awesome. I'm going to be working 40 hours a week and taking absolutely terrible public transport, so I prob won't see her that much anyway. I also have a paper to rewrite for publishing due on the 31st ><
Yay seahorses and new friendships and plenty of work. Don't worry, you will be back in Washington soon enough. 

Good luck with the new roommate and your paper