I really really miss my itouch. 80% of what I miss in the calendar ap. My life is so dis organized with out it 
I'm a bit behind on up dating you all about what I have been up to. Been out to the field a couple of times. The first was to collect kissing bugs.It was a huge success, we caught 60 in one night.
The second trip was yesterday were we trapped small mammals to test them for zoonotic diseases (diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans or vicsa vursa.

giving a "tick check" were we pull off any ticks we find and test them for things like lymes disease

A pack rat inside the sherman trap. we give the cotton to make a bed and seeds to eat until the animal is weighed, tagged, ear biopsied, and had a small amount of blood drawn. the they are released in the same place we caught them.

Cotton rat about to have it's blood drawn. We give then a touch of knock out gas so the don't feel the biopsy, so he's high as a kite.

We gave them electrolytes and sunflower seeds so that they could recover quickly from their ordeal.

I'm a bit behind on up dating you all about what I have been up to. Been out to the field a couple of times. The first was to collect kissing bugs.It was a huge success, we caught 60 in one night.
The second trip was yesterday were we trapped small mammals to test them for zoonotic diseases (diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans or vicsa vursa.

giving a "tick check" were we pull off any ticks we find and test them for things like lymes disease

A pack rat inside the sherman trap. we give the cotton to make a bed and seeds to eat until the animal is weighed, tagged, ear biopsied, and had a small amount of blood drawn. the they are released in the same place we caught them.

Cotton rat about to have it's blood drawn. We give then a touch of knock out gas so the don't feel the biopsy, so he's high as a kite.

We gave them electrolytes and sunflower seeds so that they could recover quickly from their ordeal.
That is a really cool job. Thanks for helping to keep us safe!