They decided to overwhelm us the very first day. We haven't even seen our labs yet and we are all ready being harped on about how the summer is short and how we don't have much time. One prof even said that if we haven't read everything sent to us we are all ready behind. Then they turn a 180 and tell us about all the stuff they have scheduled for us to do to keep us busy. The schedule is packed with non-research stuff like lunch workshops twice a week and tours of different locations.
I'm really excited to be here but I wasn't expecting them to be treating us like children. They have a quiz for us to do tomorrow and we aren't allowed to leave the room until everyone in the class passes the quiz. They have it scheduled for 3 and a half hours so it looks like they are pretty serious about it. I understand why they are doing it but I really don't think that giving us a test on something no one ever taught us is really a great way to get us happy and motivated to do research...or anything other than be depressed.
There is a grad student that says he plays dnd and they are starting a new campaign so he might invite me to one. proffs seem really cool except for Dr.Hines who is going to be the one that is writing our quiz. He is really nice at times but seems like a bit of a hardass. He wants us to know the insect orders their common names and how to spell them, morphology and habitat with less than a week to study. Which seems excessive when we are here to research not for credit.
Either way it's time for me to passout. I have the quiz first thing in the morning and we wanted to study before we head out. Ugh tired just thinking about it.
I'm really excited to be here but I wasn't expecting them to be treating us like children. They have a quiz for us to do tomorrow and we aren't allowed to leave the room until everyone in the class passes the quiz. They have it scheduled for 3 and a half hours so it looks like they are pretty serious about it. I understand why they are doing it but I really don't think that giving us a test on something no one ever taught us is really a great way to get us happy and motivated to do research...or anything other than be depressed.
There is a grad student that says he plays dnd and they are starting a new campaign so he might invite me to one. proffs seem really cool except for Dr.Hines who is going to be the one that is writing our quiz. He is really nice at times but seems like a bit of a hardass. He wants us to know the insect orders their common names and how to spell them, morphology and habitat with less than a week to study. Which seems excessive when we are here to research not for credit.
Either way it's time for me to passout. I have the quiz first thing in the morning and we wanted to study before we head out. Ugh tired just thinking about it.

Sounds stressful! Reminds me of why I dropped out of school.
Good luck and take care.