I think I am going to try to write my blog from now on more like a journal. Not sure if I will be able to keep up with it or not. I'm also a bit worried that it is going to turn into me talking about the same shit over and over but we'll see what happens, guess it's better to try
As for today:
Going to try to see if I can get my lazy ass out of bed and have my oil changed. My check engine light has been off and on since I picked it up from the shop after I hit that moose cow. The airbag light has been on too and I'm not sure what that even means. I hope that getting my oil changed will help with the check engine thing. Going to be driving to the Cave on Thursday and over to Seattle in two weeks and want to make sure my car is healthy enough for the trek
Going to be talking to a prof that I can't stand tomorrow about helping me out. He's a geology prof that is an expert in caving. I need to take some biofilm samples which about be easy enough except that I need to do it without damaging the calcite flows. Even a fingerprint can damage the cave so scraping at it isn't really an option. Hoping he can tell me another way to do it without being too much of a dick.
Looks like I'm going to be taking my last reg chem test on the 29th and the final on the 31st. which should make for some interesting studying. Freshwater invertebrate zoology final will also be on the 31st. I will also have a biological monitoring report and 25 invertebrates classified down to genus due on the 31st. The good news is that I finally have the frame portion on my ceramics piece ready to be glaze fired, which means I have almost no more work to do in that class.
I was invited to the benefactors dinner as part of the honors group. Which means that the school thinks that what I'm doing is cool enough to want to show me off to the people that have donated 25K or more to the school. There is going to be 7 other honors students, a few athlete types and some impressive people in uniform from the ROTC program. In years past they would put at least one student per table to entertain the benefactors while they are eating but this year we are being fed pizza in the back room after we chat people up. Not sure what the thinking on that was but I'm sure that the fund raising people in their infinite wisdom have it sorted.
So things have been going pretty well for my guy and I. It's kind of shitting to leave him for 3 months but I'm sure it will do the relationship more good than harm. It's funny that we are both the type of people that only really thinks about and reacts to things that are happening right in front of us so we prob won't be talking much while I'm gone. I should be way to busy to be worried about texting and calling anymore so it's really a relief to not worry about it.
Anyway I have some work for TX to do and that oil change to get taken care of.
talk to you sexy people later
As for today:
Going to try to see if I can get my lazy ass out of bed and have my oil changed. My check engine light has been off and on since I picked it up from the shop after I hit that moose cow. The airbag light has been on too and I'm not sure what that even means. I hope that getting my oil changed will help with the check engine thing. Going to be driving to the Cave on Thursday and over to Seattle in two weeks and want to make sure my car is healthy enough for the trek
Going to be talking to a prof that I can't stand tomorrow about helping me out. He's a geology prof that is an expert in caving. I need to take some biofilm samples which about be easy enough except that I need to do it without damaging the calcite flows. Even a fingerprint can damage the cave so scraping at it isn't really an option. Hoping he can tell me another way to do it without being too much of a dick.
Looks like I'm going to be taking my last reg chem test on the 29th and the final on the 31st. which should make for some interesting studying. Freshwater invertebrate zoology final will also be on the 31st. I will also have a biological monitoring report and 25 invertebrates classified down to genus due on the 31st. The good news is that I finally have the frame portion on my ceramics piece ready to be glaze fired, which means I have almost no more work to do in that class.
I was invited to the benefactors dinner as part of the honors group. Which means that the school thinks that what I'm doing is cool enough to want to show me off to the people that have donated 25K or more to the school. There is going to be 7 other honors students, a few athlete types and some impressive people in uniform from the ROTC program. In years past they would put at least one student per table to entertain the benefactors while they are eating but this year we are being fed pizza in the back room after we chat people up. Not sure what the thinking on that was but I'm sure that the fund raising people in their infinite wisdom have it sorted.
So things have been going pretty well for my guy and I. It's kind of shitting to leave him for 3 months but I'm sure it will do the relationship more good than harm. It's funny that we are both the type of people that only really thinks about and reacts to things that are happening right in front of us so we prob won't be talking much while I'm gone. I should be way to busy to be worried about texting and calling anymore so it's really a relief to not worry about it.
Anyway I have some work for TX to do and that oil change to get taken care of.
talk to you sexy people later

The airbag light usually means it needs service and may not deploy when it counts. I like the journal style blog. Had to laugh since I've also been procrastinating getting my oil changed. Damn, that's a lot of work. Good luck with your tests. Take care. 

The oild change place ended up being closed
Forgot to mention the big news though, Giving the BF his own key to my place.