That's a shame you're not renewing your membership after just one month of being here. Ah well, SG can be a bit of a time waster (ie, I've forgotten what my gym looks like) but it was more interesting with you here. Cheers.
I've never seen The Fall live. I'm jealous! I'm not sure if they've EVER toured in the States. I wanted to see them tour circa the I Am Kurious Oranj release. I read about them performing w/ the Michael Clark dance co., and commemorating the anniversary of William and Mary with this big theatrical show, and the idea of it all seemed so completely original. I might get less drunk and rowdy at a show like that w/ cultural significance! Speaking of that, I've heard that Mark has cleaned up his act and gone sober.
I'm going to try to find Palace Of Swords Reversed right now in my dusty collection!
So up here in Scotland, we're bracing ourselves for two or three days of snow, whilst the university lecturers have also decided to go on strike for two days... Well, all the university lecturers apart from the one who takes my Gothic Text seminar Wednesday evenings 6-9pm. So I guess I'm gunna have to battle through the snow tomorrow evening.
i liked your thread. whatever. sorry you don't feel like ya fit in here. online communities are pretty juvenile regardless, but sometimes the entertainment value makes that bearable. oh well. bye bye.
What is it with paranoid men clinging onto their girlfriends!???
Honestly, are they SO insecure that they really think I am likely to be checking out their lady's arse?
Or perhaps they secretly want me to? Perhaps they are glancing at me in the hope that they will catch me looking at their girlfriend, telling themselves: "I'm better than him, because I've got this girl... Read More
One of the greatest pleasures in my life used to be getting up at about 9am to watch a discussion programme on TV called "Kilroy". UK members will know that "Kilroy" was recently cancelled after Kilroy himself made some unfortunate comments about Arabs.
All I can say is (and only UK members will get this): Trisha is a fascist!
Having a strange period in my life right now. The academic year is about to end. If I live on a shoestring, I can survive the summer without any money. But if I got a summer job, then I could be richer and meet more people.
When I was an early teen in the New Wave era, I always wanted to go over to the UK. America, at least where I lived, still played a LOT of crappy music on commercial radio at the time. That's really the genesis of me becoming part of "alternative" scene. I think I was the only person in my Junior High School who knew who Icicle Works, Ministry, and Depeche Mode (pre-People are People) were. Everyone around here was much more into Iron Maiden, Rush, and Twisted Sister.
Check on Ebay & pick up some old copies of "Smash Hits", or its American twin "Star Hits".
Hope you get to come over & take that Great American Road Trip. If so, look me up!