I've aquired a new house to paint and debate in. I'll return after lunch with the entry that i've been building.
- Aquiring nonsense: the adopted Grandmother left me with her digital camera that Which? gave to her to review. I have aquired a problem with the firewire upload function for nikon view and "oooh", i see that my camera was made by fuji so perhaps there is hope, though I've tried to use fine pix... D's little camera, tripod etc can capture up to 60 frames though the thing doesn't have a flash. The business of suburban (youth) condiment aquirement, for as long as I have been involved, incorporates a culturally fail-safe union of potentially statisfying degenerate aesthetic, possible market value and missing parts/corners ie. she took the lead home with her. Fear of the man is functioned by the apogee within s(y)ca - the traffic light in pooy's bedroom.
I've aquired a new house to paint and debate in. I'll return after lunch with the entry that i've been building.
- Aquiring nonsense: the adopted Grandmother left me with her digital camera that Which? gave to her to review. I have aquired a problem with the firewire upload function for nikon view and "oooh", i see that my camera was made by fuji so perhaps there is hope, though I've tried to use fine pix... D's little camera, tripod etc can capture up to 60 frames though the thing doesn't have a flash. The business of suburban (youth) condiment aquirement, for as long as I have been involved, incorporates a culturally fail-safe union of potentially statisfying degenerate aesthetic, possible market value and missing parts/corners ie. she took the lead home with her. Fear of the man is functioned by the apogee within s(y)ca - the traffic light in pooy's bedroom.