Oh My God, what a whirlwind weekend !! First went to friends on Friday night and sat up chatting till the early hours, came home and chilled out then my friend came over.
We had a FANTASTIC dinner courtesy of Greasytiki and we drank a lot of wine. My friend had been asking me what the hell we do online all the time (she doesn't have a PC or Laptop) so I showed her SG and told her all about you guys, then I showed her chat ... well I couldn't hold her back! She thought it was Marvellous....
Now whilst we were looking at SG our wine glasses never seemed to be empty
and wine has a habit of making us, how can I put it .. Horny. so before we knew it the tops were off.
I want to apologise now for any of you who were in chat that night and got the full view, I actually meant to turn the cam off but we got a bit carried away
as most of you saw, there were bits and tits all over the place. We finally got to sleep somewhere around 4am and Lordy were we tired.
We spent until 2pm Sunday afternoon all naked in bed with each other which was fun and very cosy .. and very sweaty if I remember
Think I'l have to crawl into bed about 7pm tonight to recharge my batteries ...
We had a FANTASTIC dinner courtesy of Greasytiki and we drank a lot of wine. My friend had been asking me what the hell we do online all the time (she doesn't have a PC or Laptop) so I showed her SG and told her all about you guys, then I showed her chat ... well I couldn't hold her back! She thought it was Marvellous....
Now whilst we were looking at SG our wine glasses never seemed to be empty

I want to apologise now for any of you who were in chat that night and got the full view, I actually meant to turn the cam off but we got a bit carried away

We spent until 2pm Sunday afternoon all naked in bed with each other which was fun and very cosy .. and very sweaty if I remember

Think I'l have to crawl into bed about 7pm tonight to recharge my batteries ...
mmmm twas lovely to watch - even if you werent wanting the cam to be on

Blimey - Some folks have all the luck.