frankly i like the old site better
this one is just too 'cute' i don't like the color scheme and i hate the layout and all the stupid frames
things as always are humming along
i have been recording with my good friends over at for a old timey pod-cast drama so please do check out
Ryan stock and amberlynn my my fellow freaks has been away this last 2 or so months cause they got there own show on the discovery channel "Guinea Pig" and here is what discovery channel has to say about it
In Guinea Pig, witness the furthest limits of human endurance as Ryan Stock a magician, alternative circus performer and professional daredevil becomes a guinea pig in the name of science and explores the effects of various tests on the human body. Throughout the series, Stock undergoes a series of progressively challenging tests, including the effects of G-force, sudden impact, wind, non-lethal weapons and interrogation
i am glad to have him back check out his site HERE
and of course i'm doing loads of stand up
and there is the radio show every wednesday at midnight on cjsr .... you can tune in online at
and this July the 5th we are doing a 3 hour show from 10pm-1am
so busy i guess
comment on me i love comments