Tired...an hour an a half drive yesterday to get 1/3 sleeve done followed by seeing Hellyeah and In This Moment in concert with my arm still seeping ink and blood...what better way to be a Blood Legionaire. I can tell im getting a bit older though...last night, my body was like "what the fuuck are you doing" why my soul was like "shut your whore...
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Again, I contemplate the point of so much in life that we place such value in and use to define our lives. Why? What is the point of committing everything of myself to every waking moment toward working? Why am I working toward a financial security that I'm betting on tomorrow, I will actually enjoy? Why do we define our lives by the size of...
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Recently I spoke of my creative spark being stifled by this bland groundhog day of a job and I have been relentlessly researching and decided to see if I could get anywhere by getting community feedback in a forum that promotes it. Art, whether it be fine arts, graphic design, photography, journalism or computer animation..what are some opinions about degrees and careers in any of...
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Although for the moment, my intentions are to punch out and be done with my current career in the military in about 3 years to focus more on a happier and fulfilling life, I'm nervous and skeptical about how I should go about it all. As a single parent, my son comes first and foremost and his well being is paramount (of course) but, I...
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Job is stifling my creative spark, rendering me unable to find enthusiasm...maybe I can arrange travel to see my friend in CA and bring my camera to shoot her and chill on the coast.