Hello all!
So let me just start off by saying I have a weird relationship with video games. I used to play a lot when I was a younger - Super Mario, Street Fighter, Zelda, Doom, even Lord of the Rings for Gameboy. Why did I stop? At 14, I had serious anger issues with games. It's kind of hilarious looking back at it, but I did. I would literally throw my pink gameboy across the room and rage if I kept losing/dying. In college, I kind of went back into it and played Left 4 Dead via PC, but I barely had time to really get into it.
Almost 11 years later and a sweet boyfriend who convinced me to start playing again, I play (but not as often as I'd like to) Mortal Kombat and Diablo. I've only ever played Diablo 3 and am still finishing the game, but I am obsessed. I don't play as often as I'd like to for several reasons...the main being I work a lot/go to school. Though I'm on break right now, I like kind of turning off my brain for a bit and just hanging out, and watching some Netflix. I also have a tendency to get easily stressed out by video games. I get really anxious, stressed, angry, "OH GOD WHYYYY FUCK FUCK FUCK". I'm still trying to just enjoy it and not rage quit so much.
I do enjoy watching my boyfriend play Metal Gear Solid and Call of Duty. I suck, like I am TERRIBLE, at first person shooters. One minute I'm looking up at the sky, blindly moving around, the next I'm staring at the ground.I have terrible coordination, which is why I enjoy Diablo. I might take up Metal Gear Solid sometime soon. The story is amazing and I found myself getting really attached to Snake.
Which leads me to my next thing...I do have a Periscope account and am thinking about "streaming" my games aka aim my phone at the tv screen. I don't have proper streaming software and would like to one day be able to have a Twitch account. For now, I think my phone aimed at the TV will have to do for now. Would you watch?