I did dreads for the first time on a friend this week. Turned out pretty awsome. I'm still looking for a hair job but I've been doign lots of hair on the side to make some extra money. I also got a part time job at Sears fixing watches. I've never actually fixed a watch until I started but with the right tools is surprisingly easy and fun. I just sit, play gameboy change the occasional battery, resize bands stuff like that. Not to shabby but its only like 12 hours a week. I'm used to working 61 hours a week on straight commission, and I knew going back to a regular job would take getting used to it's just harder than I thought.
I got fish too they are fabulous. You can't see the sucker so I put an arrow pointing to him, his name is Snape and the Betta is Tom Riddle.
I'm full off coffee and no one is around to entertain me! /cry
I got fish too they are fabulous. You can't see the sucker so I put an arrow pointing to him, his name is Snape and the Betta is Tom Riddle.

I'm full off coffee and no one is around to entertain me! /cry
yay fisheses!