Tuesday Nov 08, 2005 Nov 7, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Started playing World of Warcraft again. I can't decide if this is a good or bad idea but hey, we'll see in a month. I have to leave for school in 20 mins and I'm still desperately trying to wake up. My eyes hurt. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS t7: Your silly! I did reply, its right above this one! But just for fun, we play on thunderhorn. Ive got a 60 warrior and working on a 28 mage. Nov 12, 2005 t7: Not only a 60 but a 60 with almost his full armor set, epic weapons and other fun gear! And now Im well on my way with a mage. George has himself a sexy 48 hunter Nov 12, 2005
But just for fun, we play on thunderhorn.
Ive got a 60 warrior and working on a 28 mage.
George has himself a sexy 48 hunter