BAHHH! Someone kick my ass in gear and make me go to the gym! I went last night for about 20 mins on the treadmill, but I accidentally signed up for the wrong one and this weightlifter guy ask me to get off because he signed up for it. pffftt. I wasnt in the mood to stay so I just left. I need to get back in the habit of things. Cleaning, Working out, Counting my points everyday. I feel like I'm slipping and I don't like it. Luckily I'm poor and everything in my kitchen is healthy so I can really afford to eat unhealthy food, its just controlling how much I eat.
School has been alright, I got a 92% on my final after studying for less than an hour. (take that, fuckers) I still have days where I wonder if this is really what I want to do but others I really enjoy it. I guess it's the school, the bitchy girls and the inconsistant teachers that get me down most times. I'm tired of cutting creepy, smelly peoples hair and having idiot girls with black hair tell me they want to go blonde in one step. *headdesk* Sometimes I fucking hate people.
Oh and halloween was fucking lame. Hooray for Vodka and energy drinks that makes me so fucked up I can barely walk.
School has been alright, I got a 92% on my final after studying for less than an hour. (take that, fuckers) I still have days where I wonder if this is really what I want to do but others I really enjoy it. I guess it's the school, the bitchy girls and the inconsistant teachers that get me down most times. I'm tired of cutting creepy, smelly peoples hair and having idiot girls with black hair tell me they want to go blonde in one step. *headdesk* Sometimes I fucking hate people.
Oh and halloween was fucking lame. Hooray for Vodka and energy drinks that makes me so fucked up I can barely walk.