Well tonight was fun...... saw my grandad in hospital! the best of it is I only found out he was in hospital yesterday when i was asked if i wanted to go and visit him!!! My family sucks!!! They tell me nothing, it was 6 months after my nan died when i finally got told that she died of bowel cancer! 6 fuckin' months!!! It...
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hugs kiss xxx
ok i will try and get some pics taken wink im off to london 2moro im so hyper ooo aaa biggrin kiss xxx
Well yesterday was a bit of a shit day!

1) i bumped into an ex-girlfriend of mine when i was in Tesco running an errand for work (buying loo roll and tea bags). this being the only girl who has ever broken my heart which was about 4 years ago but its still not good for those memories to resurface!!!

2) Some poor bastard got...
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Oh no, double whammy of shite there! shocked Someone got stabbed to death outside my old place of work in Leicester one evening, that whole section of street was cordoned off the next morning when we went to open up. Frightening stuff!
hugs xxx kiss
Fuck, I've not been paid anywhere near enough for me to afford to buy a hard drive and a graphics card!!! oh well that means its time to look for a new job, preferably full time to pay for my gaming and entertainment needs!

In other news i received my stuff from the SG shop wooohooo badges, stickers and the poster now that cheers me...
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hello! i gots a msg saying u wanted to add me,and i was about to add u back but it seems im already added! woo! how are you?
why do you what do you want tov be my friend ?
NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!! i need a new hard drive and graphics card!!! its gunna set me back a fair bit o'cash and i all i really want/need them for is to play Star Wars Empire at War, Command & Conquer; the first decade, and Lord of the Rings; the battle for middle-earth 2 (when that comes out)!!!! im gunna be poor pretty quick i think!!! shit!!!!!!!!!! frown frown frown frown
Those vital things always cost the most, don't they? Sod's law... blackeyed

Good luck getting everything. smile
Sell your organs.
ok i ordered stuff from the SG shop (stickers and the a badges) and im still waiting for them to arrive.... im not best pleased! ive been waitin 3 weeks i wish things were faster!! frown frown frown frown
Everyone seems 2 want 2 leave their jobs at the mo
I just need to get one
I wish u luck with finding a new one
I love the sg shop. Just wish i had more cash. And yeah, America is so far away things take aaages. frown
wey, its been a good week i think....
got paid and went shopping on tuesday and also went to the pub, wednesday i did practically nothin, then last night (thursday) my and 3 friends did a pub quiz at the Gallows pub in town! we came third but the pub was really quite empty some im wondering if there was only 3 teams playing! we...
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weyhey, im back on SG with a new name and a new image! love love love love
Welcome back, dude.

Actually, I'm not here for booty or friendship. I'm here to become a model for this fine site and what anyone else in the vacinity makes of that is not of my concern.

But, as far as the 'Dating' profile goes. Everyone likes to make new friends. And everyone in their right minds is open to the potential of booty. (shrug) It's all, like, 'whatever' to me.

By the way, you should add Manko to your favourites. She is the snizzle, so check her out!
Dude, I trying my best. Taken three different photosets, but can't get one accepted by the site. Passed the first stage of the application process - where they decide whether you ming or not - a year and a half ago. Been taking photos ever since, but not up to scratch. frown wink