Hello new followers! It's extremely nice to meet you, if you haven't yet, check out my set Welcome The Phoenix and tell me whatcha think!
Some random facts about me:
I'm studying to become a massage therapist. I graduate in about October :)
I'm a huge animal mom. I have a little family consisting of a German Shepard Doberman mix named Tyrone, a Russian Blue named Voodoo, and a leopard gecko named Ava!
I have lovely boyfriend who shoots all my sets for me. It'll be a year in October 💫
I love all things nature, and how certain energies can be drawn from it.
I'm a huge tattoo enthusiast. I like to design and draw them for people as well. Maybe one day I'll pick up a tattoo gun.
All things pinup are a huge love of mine, and if I wasn't a broke student Id spend my money on all of it.
I'm currently shooting my second set now :)
If you have anymore questions for me feel free to ask! I'll try to reply to most of them! ❤️
Much love,
Heyleealyssa 💫