
im freezing right now, so i decided to clickity click click my lil fingers in an attempt to thaw them out a tad. i haven't updated my journal for so long. it's mad! i don't even have anything too fab to say. all i know is that i REALLY wanna get it on with andy partridge from XTC. he's my animal lover and we...
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frozen nuggles? wink your a cuttie

wow!!! i REALLY gotta get my ass to portland, maine. there is this tat artist, wilhelm scherer, who is fucking amazing! hopefully if i can get my financial act together and get up there by november or december. i would love to have something done by him blanketing my arm or chest. damn, his stuff blows me away... check it out!!!


yipes. i haven't...
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happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday HeyImOnlyDancing
someone stole my old, many times loaned, comfortably worn copy of On The Road. i am so supremely pissed. that is all i have to say for now. oh and grrrr!

why do people have to be so fucking inconsiderate???
yay for yaphet kotto! yay for battle royale! boo to people stealing other people's treasured possessions!
yay to yaphet kotto! yay to battle royale! boo to people stealing other people's treasured possessions!
i was so extremely ill last nite. i was supposed to go begin my stained glass apprenticeship this morning at 8, but i couldn't because i was up until 5 am puking and whatnot. it was awful! i don't think i have ever felt that disgusting. the only upside to being sick was that i finished a whole book while sitting by the toilet and...
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I did the exact same thing. I ordered ziggy stardust for morgan, who's a big bowie fan too. any ways i order it and yada yada yada before it even comes in amazon sends me an email asking if i'd like to buy the 30th aniversary deal. oh well. morgan was nice about it and said she'd rather the original anyway. she's a sweetie.

You're friend lost is 'cause he sucks big cock??? did the guy he was sucking off STEAL it or something?

That's just plain terrible!

Okie, i'm goofy.

and you're purty.

wow, i am suffering from extreme sleepiness, help! it just seems no matter what amount of sleep i get i'm always fatigued and ouchy. ugh, big bad things!

tonight i'm going out with some friends and we're gonna get some yummy chinese. tre exciting, no? after that i think we're gonna see road to perdition. i heard it was so very well done. i had...
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ghost world is the best film ever

take a bite out of crime.

I got my ears pierced at a 10 ga, went to an 8 about a month after, and then went from a 6 to a 4 to a 2 to a 0 in a little over a week. youch.
wow, i think corn pops and vanilla soy milk is the best thing ever! hokey poo!

well, today was crap. i slept until 1 or so and then putzed about until i had to work at 3. the only good thing about today was that it rained ALL day. i fucking love it! everything was all grey and misty and shit. reminded me of new...
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Vanilla soy milk is good, but I am addicted to chocolate soy. *yummy*. Very charming picture. Take more like that and you will become the apple of SGs.
thanks elise, you're quite the cutie yourself. loved your set on friday, tre sexy. also, i wish you even more luck with your beau.

yeah, in the 6 yrs that i have been veg i have never tried the choc. soy milk. crazy, eh? i bet it would taste magically delicious w/ some choco-filled cereal. mmmm rotting teeth... ;P

if destro reads this i'm from lewisburg, pa. it's like an hr from harrisburg or something like that.

i haven't updated my journal in awhile. today was really fun. i slept until 2 and then went and had nummy chinese food. this place that i go to makes a special meal for me and it's discounted too! after that i played a few games...
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yeah, im readin this. thats kike 300 miles away from here. i think we stopped there for gas once on our way to philly. maybe? 2 bottles of jager in a 4 1/2 hour trip and i start dreamin things up. it was a fun trip though.
just got back from morgantown tonight. what a fucking blast! i miss it and everyone there already. it is very likely that i will be moving down there soon-ish. i dunno. we shall see.

i'm hungry.

i just *borrowed* a bunch of my friend's good ol' punk records, weee! my night is filled w/ such splendid noise!

well, not much to talk about right now,...
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where are you from in pa? im from washinton.
okay, so here is my first journal update. i doubt anyone will be reading it, but that's okay, i need a place to talk about nothing, tehe.

i'm in WV visiting some friends and it's oh so opressively hot here. some of them went to the next state over and purchased tons of illegal fireworks, so tonight will be one of hellraisin' weeee!

i'm still...
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