Sometimes i wonder, what the fuck is wrong with some people. I mean the guy isn't hurting anyone, so it's no big deal. but i wonder what would drive someone to this.
So some cat got in to my backyard, and my dog got a of it. Thank god i got out there in time to save it. i was, somehow, able to get it in to a cat carrier, and get it out of the yard. The poor cat was so scared. It hid in the cat thing for a few moments. i didn't know if...
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well it's 4 and i just finished writing a paper that i've known about since January. Why the fuck do i put everything off till the last moment? Oh well. The procrastinating makes it more exciting. I know my writing is about average to begin with, and it gets worse when i rush it. I'm not meant for academics.
i was going to say Happy St. Patrick's Day but that's tomorrow. thank god for calendars.
So my car broke down a few months ago, and i've been using the bus. one of the pluses to this is the amount of reading I've taken care of. i really enjoy reading, but i always put it off. spending three hours on a bus two days a week gives me a good amount of time to read. Right now i'm reading The Godfather....
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played a shitty show tonight, but at lest i had fun. when things go down hill you may as well enjoy yourself.
My Band is opening for the Creep Show This Saturday. That's pretty Fucking cool. Show!!
one day no one but my drummer came to band practice to we we recorded a some songs. he's singing and playing the high hate snare and guitar. i'm on the bass.