my band has a new drummer,and it's awesome! Our last drummer was really a guitarist(the best i know), so at times it was rough. Now we sound tight and i couldn't be happier. at first i was bummed out about my friend leaving the band. Everyone in the band has know each other for over ten years, and i've known my bassist for 21 years(our friendship is old enough to drink). So he left for school, i can't blame him. We played our frist show with the new drummer last Saturday and did pretty well. Now i'm looking forward to playing our next show next saturday.
More Blogs
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Sometimes i wonder, what the fuck is wrong with some people. I mea… -
Monday Mar 28, 2011
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Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
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Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
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Monday Mar 14, 2011
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Saturday Mar 12, 2011
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Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
My Band is opening for the Creep Show This Saturday. That's pretty Fu… -
Wednesday Feb 09, 2011
one day no one but my drummer came to band practice to we we recorded…