Finally got around to fixing my brother's Fernandez Guitar today. I put in a seymour duncan invader i had rolling around and jerry rigged the input. now it sounds pretty awesome. just need to get 2 screws and a nut for the input. I feel so productive! time for a beer.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Sometimes i wonder, what the fuck is wrong with some people. I mea… -
Monday Mar 28, 2011
So some cat got in to my backyard, and my dog got a of it. Thank god … -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
well it's 4 and i just finished writing a paper that i've known about… -
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
my head is screaming for nicotine. this sucks. -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
i was going to say Happy St. Patrick's Day but that's tomorrow. thank… -
Monday Mar 14, 2011
So my car broke down a few months ago, and i've been using the bus. o… -
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
played a shitty show tonight, but at lest i had fun. when things go … -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
My Band is opening for the Creep Show This Saturday. That's pretty Fu… -
Wednesday Feb 09, 2011
one day no one but my drummer came to band practice to we we recorded…