my fucking car is fucked again. i'm pretty bummed out about it. every time i come close to getting ahead something happens. at lest i'll have reason to get back on my bike.burn off all the extra beer LBS.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Sometimes i wonder, what the fuck is wrong with some people. I mea… -
Monday Mar 28, 2011
So some cat got in to my backyard, and my dog got a of it. Thank god … -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
well it's 4 and i just finished writing a paper that i've known about… -
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
my head is screaming for nicotine. this sucks. -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
i was going to say Happy St. Patrick's Day but that's tomorrow. thank… -
Monday Mar 14, 2011
So my car broke down a few months ago, and i've been using the bus. o… -
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
played a shitty show tonight, but at lest i had fun. when things go … -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
My Band is opening for the Creep Show This Saturday. That's pretty Fu… -
Wednesday Feb 09, 2011
one day no one but my drummer came to band practice to we we recorded…