its 92 out side feels like 100 and i'm mowing the lawn. what the fuck am i thinking! but its the wet season and over night the grass grows to your knees, so it has to be done. i'm taking a break cause i dont want to die, but if my account goes inactive i probably did. puke hopefully this will kill my cold.
haha well so far so good...
well i'm alive
So i started a another band, and i'm really excited about! thats because i'm starting it with 3 of my best friends. all ready we have 3 songs that sound pretty good/catchy. and thats just my friend and i playing with an acoustic guitar and him singing. so Tomorrow night we get the whole band in the warehouse for the first time. i'm sure we...
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Your welcome bro, so what type of music is your new band playing, punk / ska?

I see your into Pulp Fiction, I just watched that dvd again yesterday lol, not seen it in ages, forgot how great it is
Yeah its all about the fun, I like some punk myself, the Offspring, Sex Pistols, Neurotic Outsiders, Green Day etc.
I see your also a fan of India she is on my fave list too, very exotic lady

video from the dropkick show i was at last night. sound isnt great because i was so close.
i had a great time in the fuckin everglades today. its funny i moved to Miami when i was five, and i think i have only been to the everglades 5 times. i've only recently started to go to Biscayne. fuck. it makes you think about all the shit you take for granted in life.
Really? That's really odd. surreal
... Gimme back my snow dammit!! tongue

That's awesome that you went! What did you like the best? smile

...What is Biscayne?

Yeah, I can relate about your story.. ^^ I've lived in/around Toronto my whole life, and I have been to the CN Tower maybe 5 times total. The last time I went was last year when Tie came to visit, and the last time before that was in grade 8! And I fucking stare at the thing every single day! tongue

Though I guess a tower and the Everglades are two different things.. confused
Biscayne is a national park. its mostly on the ocean, but you can see some of the mangroves and shit it you dont have a boat. one of the high lights if you do have a boat is going to the "stiltsville" and thats a bunch of houses on stilts that has some how survived all of our hurricanes.
Coffee Coffee Coffee

I'm really looking forward to my first cup this morning! i'm not falling all over the place with sleep or anything. i just really want my coffee. its brewing right now. i can smell the coffee in the air! ooo aaabokoink
my slacker ways are catching up with me! i didnt study for my Music exam quiz at all today. i guess i should take my studies more seriously. its unlikely, but whatever. bokooo aaaoink
strange class today

so the girl that sits in front of me in my math class isn't really attractive at all, in fact i would say ugly. today she comes in smelling of red bull and cigarettes, and all of a sudden i was attracted to her. this has to be because i quit smoking recently. i also used to crank red bull like fucking...
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i love October! tongue
how could i be anything but completly bummed out by the passing of Ted Kennedy.