I REEEAAALLLY hope to go pink with this one!
in other news: todays bus ride home was crazy.
so i get on the bus, its kinda full so i head to the back where i realize there is only a little room among a bunch of black dudes, but i thought, fuck it ill sit back here anyway.
one of them actually moved to make more room for me.
so, im on the bus maybe five minutes, minding my own business playing a game on my phone, when this middle aged, medium build, balding white guy in an orange shirt and khaki shorts starts telling the two guys sitting next to me to stop using the "acronym" "Bro"... (does this guy even know what an acronym is?)
then he hears them say nigga to each other, which is totally different than nigge*.. so he was saying shit about that. and talking to these guys like they are nothing. "do you know where your daddy is? hes in jail right? you gonna go visiti him there? cause i sure as hell wouldnt" etc... (wtf)
i was getting mad about all this.. like i was minding my own business, didnt have a clue what the dudes were saying, and then theres this older white guy yelling shit right in front of me, to the guy sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME.
i actually spoke up and said something. yeah. ME.. the mousy looking white girl.
a hispanic chick sitting towards the front of the bus stood up, turned around, and yelled at the white guy to try and convey how offended she was at his racial slurs and stereotyping.
this guy even had the tenacity to yell up to the bus driver about upset he was that he was going to be on the bus with "these guys" all the way to downtown... (HE WAS THE ONE STARTING SHIT!!!!)
eventually he got up, and we all thought he has gotten off the bus, so we were all talking about how ridiculous the whole ordeal was. next thing we know, he is yelling back at us to be quiet and shit... WTF!!!
eventually, he got to his stop and got off the bus *whew*
we continued to talk (black, hispanic, asian, and white) me.. the only white person. one of two left on the bus. lol
the guys were actually pretty cool.
but, a note to people.
i can and will defend myself. when it comes to fight or flight, i fight. i may not look like much, but i can and will fuck you up.
never mind the 10 inch chef knife in my back in my lap.
so theres this REALLY cool thing i would love to see happen!!!!
as you may or may not know, i will be camping with suspended animation at burning man. they have a kickstarter set up for an epic art piece!
Help Suspended Animation create some awesome!
Suspended Animation has commissioned a unique art piece from Geo: an all-steel suspension rated bondage bed that will make its debut in Black Rock City in just a couple of weeks, and then travel back to Seattle. This purpose-built, hand-constructed functional sculpture will feature twin arcs of steel over a queen sized mattress, with connecting load bearing rods. At the apex of the structure there will be a triangle truss, and providing ample connecting points for all sorts of interesting suspension possibilities. Connection hardware will be selected with great care and attention to strength and durability.
Your help is needed
Suspended Animation is seeking donations to cover the cost of materials, plus the artist's commission. Please visit our Kickstarter campaign page and donate! Even small donations will increase the possibility of completing this project.
There are rewards!
Aside from the pride of contributing to such a great undertaking, there are rewards for donations!
Pledge $20: get a Suspended Animation sticker
Pledge $50: get a Suspended Animation bandana
Pledge $100: guaranteed bondage ride!
Pledge $300: spend a night in the bed at Suspended Animation in Black Rock City, and get breakfast in bed served by the crew. For folks who won't be in Black Rock City, you'll be treated to dinner with the crew plus a custom bondage ride catered to your imagination.
Pledge $500: for playa-bound backers, the overnight and breakfast in bed package plus a tailored suspension experience, and you get to keep the rope used in your suspension! Non-playa backers: dinner with the crew, a tailored suspension experience, and you get to keep the rope!
Your support is greatly appreciated by the whole Suspended Animation crew! With your help we will be able to bring this ambitious undertaking to fruition.
i will be pledging as much as i can because I really want to see this happen.
also, if it does happen, i am certain i can get a photo of my suspended from it for you all to see!!
so please, if you can, donate. even a dollar donation works, it all adds up!
also 22 days until i leave for burning man!!!!!